Why Do a Supply Chain Network Assessment?

Supply Chain networks that are not set up to support scalable, profitable growth have a high likelihood of negatively impacting your customers, impeding your growth and consuming far more resources than ever imagined to sustain. Yet what is ideally mapped out one year is likely to change the next in today’s Amazonian marketplace. This is where our expertise comes into play in assessing your supply chain network with an eye to the future, your customer base, your resource and cost infrastructure and your resiliency.
When is the “Right” Time?
Of course, the answer is “It depends”. With that said, there are definite signs that it’s time to assess your network. For example, If you have been considering any of the following, it just might be the time “now”:
- Evaluating whether to renew your lease
- Thinking about moving to a lower cost facility or state
- Considering whether to move closer to your key customers
- Deciding if its time to scale your supply chain network up
- Pondering if you have “too much” fixed cost in your supply chain network
- Wondering if it makes sense to take the plunge and buy
- Questioning if your supply chain network is ideally set up from a logistics perspective
- Assessing if you should take the plunge with a 3PL as your employees transition out
- Evaluating how much space you need to support your sales growth
- Thinking about options to increase your storage capacity within your existing facility
- Questioning where to set up or source manufacturing and distribution operations
- Considering if you have the “right” supply chain partners on the bus
- Evaluating where to position inventory throughout your supply chain for maximum benefit
- Thinking about the impacts of new technologies such as additive manufacturing, IoT and AI
- Wondering if you can continue to support traditional warehousing and e-commerce successfully
There’s no doubt about it. These types of decisions will impact whether you are prepared to grow without sinking excessive resources and costs into trying to keep up with sales growth and avoid unhappy customers. On the other hand, upgrading “too early” is disruptive and yields little return. Thus, the trick is to know when to wait longer before upgrading your supply chain network without waiting “too long”.
At LMA Consulting, we are expert in assessing your supply chain network and identifying the setup that will best position your company for profitable growth, whether that is tweaking the current network (no major investment required), upgrading your processes and/or your network or radically changing the network to meet changing business needs.
Don’t Listen to Us. Hear What Our Clients Say
To hear additional insights, visit our video testimonials webpage
CEO, PaperPak
Supply Chain Manager, US Aluminum
President, PPI
Corporate Supply Chain Manager, PaperPak Industries
To see additional insights, visit our written testimonials webpage
We are happy to stop by and talk with you about your situation. Contact us.