Skills Gap Archives - LMA-Consulting Group, a supply chain consulting firm Fri, 05 Apr 2024 22:12:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Minimum Wage Hike, Cocoa Shortages, Egg Inflation & Impacts Fri, 05 Apr 2024 21:59:28 +0000 California's minimum wage went up to $20/hr. for fast food restaurants with at least 60 locations nationwide that do not make bread. This law is causing widespread unintended consequences. For example, Fosters Freeze in Lemoore closed suddenly after the wage hike. Mod 5 Pizza is closing five locations.

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Supply Chain Briefing

The Minimum Wage Hike, Coca Shortages, Egg Inflation & Impacts

The Minimum Wage Hike

California’s minimum wage went up to $20/hr. for fast food restaurants with at least 60 locations nationwide that do not make bread. This law is causing widespread unintended consequences. For example, Fosters Freeze in Lemoore closed suddenly after the wage hike. Mod 5 Pizza is closing five locations. There are widespread price increases including at In n Out, Burger King and more. Significant layoffs are also occurring at restaurants like Pizza Hut, Round Table Pizza, and Auntie Anne’s as companies determine how to deal with the wage hikes while maintaining profit levels. Some franchise owners are “on the move” to states with less regulation such as Nevada. It will also negatively impact manufacturing and supply chain as companies compete for resources and increase prices. The Skills Gap and misalignment of high-skilled and low-skilled jobs will worsen.

More Shortages & Sky High Prices…..NOT Chocolate!

The price of cocoa has doubled in the last year. After three years of poor cocoa harvests with a weak outlook, the supply of cocoa has been slashed. Thus, prices are escalating and shortages are becoming widespread. Processing plants are saying they cannot afford to purchase the beans. For example, 60% of the world’s coca is produced in Africa’s the Ivory Coast and Ghana, and these plants have stopped or cut processing. Unfortunately, there is a massive misalignment of demand and supply which is creating supply chain shortages and causing inflationary pressures. In addition, substitutes are starting to occur. To read more about persistent shortages, see our article, “Supply Chain Shortages Remain a Concern“.

Egg Inflation

The largest producer of fresh eggs, Cal-Maine Foods, Inc. temporarily shut down one of its facilities due to the bird flu. It also resulted in the depopulation of 1.6 million hens. These issues are bound to lead to further price increases. Egg prices increased over 8% in the last month, have more than doubled since before the pandemic, and are bound to go even higher as potential shortages loom. What is the bottom line? Supply and demand misalignment is creating havoc throughout the supply chain.

It Isn’t All About Food

Oil and gas prices are increasing again, which will have an impact on countless products from medical devices to electronics and industrial machinery. Since the supply chain has been thrust into chaos throughout the world (listen to our recent Supply Chain Chats on what’s going on in the global supply chain), container shipping rates are increasing. And after the recent bridge collapse in Baltimore, the automobile supply chains have been disrupted, and it is likely to lead to inflationary pressures. No matter the product, supply chain risks have been heightened.

How to Navigate

Unfortunately, there is no easy answer and magic wand to resolve the shortages and realign demand with supply. On the other hand, the focus of SIOP (Sales Inventory Operations Planning) is to align demand with supply and provide the visibility and insights to proactively navigate these rough waters. For example, clients are reallocating capacity among production facilities, making make vs buy decisions, offloading to supplement short-term spikes in demand, and maximizing customer and product profitability with a SIOP process. To learn more about these strategies, download our complimentary book, SIOP: Creating Predictable Revenue and EBITDA Growth.

In addition, there is no doubt the proactive clients are finding ways to leverage ERP systems and advanced technologies to automate, digitize and better navigate these trying circumstances. For example, a healthcare products manufacturer is using artificial intelligence and robotics to produce standard product with minimal resources so that they can dedicate their high-skilled talent to their complex product lines supporting aerospace and defense. Another client is pursuing additive manufacturing/ 3D printing to get a leg up on the competition and bring down lead times to support growth plans. There is plenty of opportunities if you look for them!

If you are interested in reading more on this topic:
How Do You Rate in Your Supply Chain?

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Supply Chain Shortages Remain a Concern: Strategies for Success Wed, 20 Mar 2024 15:16:42 +0000 Manufacturers wish they left supply chain shortages behind after the pandemic, but they remain top of mind. Concerns remain. According to KPMG, “71% of global companies highlight raw material costs as their number one supply chain threat for 2023.”

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Supply Chain Briefing

Supply Chain Shortages Remain a Concern: Strategies for Success

Manufacturers wish they left supply chain shortages behind after the pandemic, but they remain top of mind. Concerns remain. According to KPMG, “71% of global companies highlight raw material costs as their number one supply chain threat for 2023.” And the trend isn’t ceasing. According to a survey by LeanDNA and Wakefield Research, supply chain shortages remain a leading concern for manufacturers as they look to the future.”

In fact, if you look at the pharmaceutical industry, shortages have been creating havoc. For example, there have been shortages of over-the-counter drugs and prescription medications for ADHD, cancer and diabetes have been widespread. There has been commentary about a spike in demand, but there are also comments about manufacturing delays. Of course, this is before we discuss the state of logistics disruption.

In addition to product, material and healthcare shortages, clients are experiencing a severe shortage of high-skilled talent and are struggling to upgrade ERP systems and related technologies. These issues are aggravating the shortage situation as multiple clients have the lack of system support creating further shortages and work stoppage in addition to frustrating their employees.

It is simply creating havoc as people jump into jobs they are not prepared to execute, and Executives are struggling to understand why their resources no longer seem to have the expertise they used to have. Worse yet, if they don’t realize this is occurring, the situation gets worse as employees make poor decisions and struggle to keep up. Refer to our article, Where the Talent Has Gone & Strategies for Success.

Strategies for Success

Customers will not suffer endlessly as shortages persist. They will find alternative sources of supply, source from different regions of the world, find backup sources, search for suppliers that can provide visibility and status of the end-to-end supply chain and invest in reshoring, nearshoring, and expanding regional manufacturing footprints.

Thus, proactive executives are getting ahead of these challenges. We have no doubt that the companies that can supply critical items in the next several years with uninterrupted supply will lead their industries for decades to come. What are some of the best practice strategies being deployed?

  1. Go back to the basics: It is simply surprising how many clients are running into problems with the fundamentals. Who knew a best practice was to return to basics! According to a leading authority on the subject of generational diversity in the workplace, the younger generations is struggling with ambiguity and decision making. This has proven to be “on the mark” as clients have employees stuck and struggling as they don’t know why the computer is spitting out answers that are wrong and what to do about it. Thus, we are jumping in to define processes, educate on concepts and help clients over this unexpected bottleneck. Perform a supply chain assessment to quickly size up where to focus. Take our complimentary supply chain assessment quiz.
  2. Planning best practices: There is no doubt that production planning, materials management, replenishment planning, and each planning expertise is in limited supply yet is cornerstone to mitigating shortages and getting in front of demand. Refer to recent examples of how this topic can make or break success in our recent article.
  3. SIOP (Sales Inventory Operations Planning): One of the single best strategies to get in front of changing conditions and ensure profitable growth is to rollout a SIOP process. A SIOP process will align Sales with Operations, demand with supply, and, most importantly, it will provide a proactive view into changing circumstances with recommended solution options, impacts on product and customer profitability, heads up to capacity bottlenecks, and sales funnel changes. Read our book, SIOP: Creating Predictable Revenue and EBITDA Growth.
  4. ERP, advanced technologies & automation: No client will succeed with manual spreadsheets long-term. The most successful clients are better utilizing their ERP systems to provide enhanced visibility, flexibility, and service while also pursuing advanced technologies (digital twins, artificial intelligence, IoT, robotics, meta) and automation to improve efficiencies, reduce errors, and increase scalability and profitability.
  5. Innovation: Continuous improvement is no longer enough. Only those companies that innovate and turn 1+1 into 22 with collaborative partnerships will succeed.
  6. Trends & Metrics: Although it is essential to review progress and results by tracking key performance indicators like OTIF (on-time-in-full), production output, and inventory turns, it is even more important to be focused on “where the puck is going” (not where it has been). Tracking trends, listening to diverse perspectives, researching and trialing new and potential trends is the focus of our most successful clients.
  7. Regional manufacturing: Although this topic should arise through your SIOP process, our money is on regional manufacturing. Clients must take control over their ability to service customers. Reshoring, nearshoring, expanding manufacturing and collaborative partnerships are hot topics. For example, even industries such as medical device, pharmaceutical, and computer chips are joining aerospace, food & beverage, industrial equipment, and building products to produce close to customers.
  8. Talent: We’d be remiss not to mention that talent will “win” in the end. Attract, hoard, develop, train, and mentor talent!

Shortages are persisting. Geopolitical tensions remain high. Critical supplies such as computer chips, medical supplies, and aerospace and defense products are providing evidence that it isn’t just a lack of “nice-to-have” items. Pursue strategies to ensure you are ahead of the curve, and your business will thrive.

If you are interested in reading more on this topic:
Why Manufacturing Matters and Will Thrive in the Next Decade

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Skills Gap Challenge for Manufacturing Success Fri, 08 Mar 2024 16:35:53 +0000 According to a study by Deloitte and The Manufacturing Institute, 2 million jobs could go unfilled in the sector by 2030. The cost in 2030 alone could potentially total $1 Trillion.

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According to a study by Deloitte and The Manufacturing Institute, 2 million jobs could go unfilled in the sector by 2030. The cost in 2030 alone could potentially total $1 Trillion. Worse yet, the manufacturers surveyed said it is 36% harder to find the right talent than it was in 2018, and 77% of manufacturers expect to have ongoing difficulties attracting and retaining manufacturing employees.

As technology, automation, and artificial intelligence (AI) continues to gain steam, lower skilled jobs are automated, but higher-skilled jobs become critical. The gap is significant. Additionally, as reshoring gains momentum and manufacturing expansion becomes a priority with the rise of geopolitical risk and the rollout of government funded programs such as the CHIPS act, manufacturing will increase, and the skills gap will widen. Finally, by 2030, the youngest of the largest generation in history will be older than 65, further decreasing the workforce.   

Simply hiring a recruiting firm will no longer be sufficient. There simply are not enough manufacturing resources to fulfill the needs. Proactive executives will put an increased emphasis on training and development. For example, an aerospace manufacturer needed far more machine operators than they could find, and so the company set up a training facility and hired trainers to put new hires through a comprehensive training and development program. They went from constantly struggling to creating a pipeline of qualified candidates. Another client sent employees to a technical training center in the region to gain manufacturing skills.

Relying on your planners, buyers, and analysts’ college education and prior work history is no longer sufficient. At least 80% of clients are struggling to hire resources with the appropriate education and training. For example, two power systems and electrical equipment manufacturers serving different industries went live with an upgraded ERP system. Although they brought on significant support, both struggled due to lack of production planning and inventory concept education and training for their resources. Proactive clients are arranging ERP and MRP (material requirements planning) education for their employees. For example, a significant beverage manufacturer has been coordinating with a local supply chain education partner to provide practical education.

Turn traditional thinking on its head. Supplement your employees with consultants to upgrade processes and improve efficiencies (refer to our guide for hiring consultants), hire temporary employees to fill gaps, and partner with specialist resources such as engineering firms to make quicker progress. Appreciate different pools of talent such as veterans and retired workers and reexamine your qualifications. For example, a building products manufacturer eliminated its requirement for a college degree and replaced it with practical experience and/or approved skills training. Not only did they find additional candidates, but the candidates were a better fit for the role.

Leadership and culture will be vital to closing the skills gap. People do not follow companies; people follow leaders. The best employees expect leaders to have high expectations, to address poor performers, to face reality with tough topics, and to appreciate and recognize progress. For example, an industrial equipment manufacturer was able to find and retain employees in a small town with limited resources and a key competitor because employees knew that the leader would expect high levels of performance, push for excellence, and cared.

Attracting and retaining talent will be key to success in the manufacturing industry in the next decade (refer to our article for strategies). Proactive executives are developing creative alternatives to traditional hiring, retention, training, and development strategies. The best remain committed to leadership and culture to retain top talent and attract scarce talent.  

Originally published in Brushware, March – April 2024


If you are interested in reading more on this topic:
Where the Talent Has Gone & Strategies for Success


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Why Manufacturing Matters & Will Thrive in the Next Decade Sat, 24 Feb 2024 16:12:51 +0000 Manufacturing promotes safety and security and mitigates risk. Controlling your supply chain and mitigating geopolitical risk can become paramount overnight as geopolitical events occur, natural disasters emerge, and supply chain challenges arise (strikes, disruptions, shortages).

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Supply Chain Briefing

Why Manufacturing Matters & Will Thrive in the Next Decade

Manufacturing Matters – Safety & Security

Manufacturing promotes safety and security and mitigates risk. Controlling your supply chain and mitigating geopolitical risk can become paramount overnight as geopolitical events occur, natural disasters emerge, and supply chain challenges arise (strikes, disruptions, shortages). These types of issues have been increasingly concerning with recent events.

For example, the war in the Middle East has caused disruptions in the Suez Canal. Container ships are being diverted and traveling around the southern tip of Africa, adding 10,000 miles and 7-10 days. This situation delays critical supplies and causes further inflation with increased costs. Additionally, the reason China has been threatening Taiwan is partially to gain control over 90% of the world’s advanced computer chips that go into everything from medical devices to critical infrastructure.

During the pandemic, the U.S. discovered it was dependent on China for critical supplies and everyday necessities. Not only can a worldwide pandemic cause disruptions of these supplies, but country specific policies can dictate whether your supply will be cut off. For example, China rolled out zero COVID policies, directly impacting production and shipping to the U.S. China could prioritize who received limited supplies.

China also wants to control the Red Sea and could decide to cut off supplies produced in other Asian countries in the region. Clearly China thinks manufacturing is essential to national security. For example, their shipbuilding capabilities are over 200 times greater than the U.S. According to the Maritime Executive, China produces more than half of all new tonnage in the world. These types of statistics are gravely concerning and the proactive will build capabilities.

Manufacturing Will Thrive in the Next Decade

As companies realize they must gain control over their supply chain to better support customers, reshoring and regional expansion of manufacturing capabilities will soar. Additionally, the cost has come into alignment for non-commodity products if you evaluate the total cost to produce, ship, store, protect, etc., China won’t have the advantage. Piles of inventory tying up cash unnecessarily are no longer acceptable, especially as customer needs change rapidly, increasing the risk of obsolescence. As interest rates soar, this situation is untenable.

Customers are not willing to accept prolonged periods of delays and stock outs. Thus, they are taking control of their supply chain and focusing on manufacturing capabilities. In addition, companies must prioritize customers and address proactively with strategic pricing and capacity decisions. Thus, smart companies are utilizing a SIOP (Sales Inventory Operations Planning) process to proactively navigate these changing circumstances to maintain high levels of customer service, profitability, and working capital results. SIOP will bring visibility to customer and product profitability, sourcing decisions, make vs buy alternatives, capacity bottlenecks and more.

The proactive will thrive and have more opportunities than ever expected. In fact, they will be in the catbird seat. The rest will continually struggle and weaken. With the significant skills gap (refer to our recent article on where the talent has gone), the proactive executives are hoarding the “best of the best” (employees, trusted advisors, suppliers, etc.). Are you prepared to thrive?

If you are interested in reading more on this topic:
SIOP/ S&OP: Proactive Approach to Maximizing Production Output and Capacity

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SIOP / S&OP: Proactive Approach to Maximizing Production Output & Capacity Fri, 05 Jan 2024 20:59:46 +0000 Clients are struggling to keep up with customer's changing requests. Order backlogs remain relatively high (depending on the industry), but customers are pushing orders out at the last minute, pulling orders in without notice, adding future potential orders, and changing requirements on the fly. Production is scrambling to keep up.

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Clients are struggling to keep up with customer’s changing requests. Order backlogs remain relatively high (depending on the industry), but customers are pushing orders out at the last minute, pulling orders in without notice, adding future potential orders, and changing requirements on the fly. Production is scrambling to keep up.

80%+ of manufacturers simply do not have enough skilled production and support resources to keep up with the volumes, let alone with the volatility of the order backlog and changing forecasts. Not surprisingly, executives do not want to hire more resources than absolutely necessary as they are concerned about rising input costs and the uncertainty of their order backlog. To add fuel to the fire, the supply chain has been volatile as well with global unrest, strikes, and other disruptions as well as supply chains on the move. Read our recent article on how supply chains are changing. The production resources cannot keep up with changing conditions, and triage must occur.

Our best consulting clients are engaging in proactive business processes to get ahead of changing customer conditions and sales forecasts and the impact on capacity, production and replenishment plans as well as the reallocation of critical resources. SIOP (Sales Inventory Operations Planning) is a key process and toolset for successfully navigating this volatility while maximizing output and production capacity to support revenue growth.

An Industrial Manufacturer Case Study

An industrial manufacturer struggled to meet customer requirements. Order deliveries were lagging, capacity wasn’t allocated evenly across its ten production facilities and production at a critical site had almost 1000 hours of change overs per month for nine months in a row to try to keep up with urgent customer requirements. Several large customer jobs pushed out and others pulled in, keeping Operations scrambling.

We rolled out a SIOP process, starting by getting a handle on the sales orders and potential sales orders. A weekly meeting with Sales and Project Management helped to solidify the priorities of the demand plan (sales forecast). Although customers continued to request push outs and pull-in’s, when the requests were proactively worked with the team and the ERP system was maintained, better clarity emerged.

The demand was run through a capacity model, showing available capacity vs. operational requirements by production facility. The operational requirements were bucketed in categories of firmed sales orders, sales orders waiting on Engineering release, sales quotes that were better defined, and sales quotes. By evaluating near-term capacity, priorities could be established with Engineering, short-term capacity actions could be taken (overtime, supplementing production at additional sites, etc.), and proactive customer communications could take place.

More importantly, by evaluating medium and long-term capacity, the appropriate strategic decisions came to light. For example, the critical site showed as overloaded months in advance so that Operations could reallocate customer orders among production facilities within the same region to mitigate impacts on freight cost. The model could be evaluated with multiple what if scenarios so that Sales and Operations could address the bottlenecks proactively. Guidelines were set to reprioritize and set pricing for key customers, capacity could be reallocated, additional capacity could be planned, and capacity offload options explored.

The key is the connection between Sales, Project Management, and Operations and Engineering. As customer requirements change, capacity scenarios need to be reevaluated and impacts reviewed. Proactive communication and collaboration is a critical piece of SIOP to keep demand and supply aligned and optimized.

SIOP Maximized Production Output & Capacity

By seeing the demand and capacity picture in advance with SIOP, the executive team could maximize production output and capacity. They could do this by proactively addressing bottlenecks to level load the plants so that the scheduling teams could optimize the production schedules to increase efficiencies and reduce waste. By running like items, sizes, and material types together, changeovers are minimized. And by seeing the final assembly schedule requirements, labor and resource plans could be optimized.

Also by reviewing the full capacity requirements across all North America sites, capacity could be reallocated to maximize output, thereby minimizing the need for offload capacity. Each plant’s strength could be maximized and planned in advance while minimizing transfers between plants, freight to customers, and material price differences.

By addressing these supply plans proactively, materials contracts could be addressed in advance ensuring material availability which positively impacts manufacturing planning and output. It also typically provides opportunities for more favorable contracts and pricing. In addition to maximizing production and capacity output, SIOP improved the customer delivery performance, resulting in happier customers and additional revenue possibilities.

SIOP: A Look Forward

In our book, “SIOP (Sales Inventory Operations Planning): Creating Predictable Revenue and EBITDA Growth“, we discuss how SIOP can support these types of improved results. As companies navigate the exaggerated volatility of the global environment and try to keep up with changing customer needs, SIOP becomes an essential tool in the toolkit to survive, let alone thrive. Our best clients are utilizing SIOP as a way to take control of their future and manage their options instead of letting their situation manage them. In fact, they are taking SIOP to the next level with advanced technologies and by connecting SIOP to their customers and suppliers to gain an end-to-end supply chain view.

Did you like this article?  Continue reading on this topic:
Optimizing Business Decision Tradeoffs with SIOP

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Where Is Your Supply Chain Talent? Tue, 12 Dec 2023 16:02:17 +0000 No client has enough high-skilled talent. In fact, it is the single largest issue facing executives. The skills gap is severe for high-skilled roles. Yet any company that wants to succeed is automating, digitizing, and utilizing advanced technologies such as robotics, additive manufacturing, and predictive analytics.

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Supply Chain Briefing


No client has enough high-skilled talent. In fact, it is the single largest issue facing executives. The skills gap is severe for high-skilled roles. Yet any company that wants to succeed is automating, digitizing, and utilizing advanced technologies such as robotics, additive manufacturing, and predictive analytics. These advanced programs automate low-skill jobs and increase the need for high-skill resources. Do you have the talent?

Where Has the Talent Gone?

So where has the talent gone?

  • Baby Boomers shrinking: Baby boomers are retired or retiring at a quick pace, and the generation is shrinking. As the largest generation in history (although recently surpassed by the Millennial Generation), the brain drain is extreme. Although many clients do not fully appreciate the issue until it is too late, the experience and dedication that is retiring is extreme.
  • Gen X Stretched: The generation following the Baby Boomers (Gen X) is no where near as large, and the pandemic seems to have spurred folks into early retirement or a change of career. The remaining leaders are simply swamped and running around like chickens with their head cut off – and extremely frustrated unless appreciated.
  • Work life balance has shifted: The 24/7 days that were common for decades are no longer common or desired. Although it is no longer common, the expected results and profit growth has not changed. Thus, there is a quandry.
  • Increased Demand: As advanced technologies are utilized, the demand for high-skilled talent increases.
  • Shortage of technical talent: Technical colleges and apprenticeships have not kept up with demand.
  • Lack of training & education: We haven’t invested like we should have in training, education, and mentoring. It was “easy” for many years to simply hire the talent needed. Now we must build it.

Client Examples

Unfortunately, there are countless client examples we could provide on the lack of talent as it is a widespread problem. A widespread and surprising issue that has arisen recently across multiple industries, client sizes, and geographies is the lack of fundamentals. For example, two of our best clients have expressed frustration that such a bedrock topic such as inventory accuracy is requiring consulting support. Although it is certainly not rocket science and shouldn’t require a supply chain consultant to figure out, it continues to create consulting project bottlenecks.

Thus, both clients ended up needing support to roll out transactional process disciplines to improve customer service and meet audit requirements. From our project perspective, we could not build a house on a faulty foundation, and so we had to start by shoring up the base. We supplemented internal talent by collaborating across functions, figuring out how to best utilize the ERP system to support business processes, documenting processes and rolling out process disciplines while integrating with the daily routine, developing metrics, and providing training and education. Once we had a sustainable process in place, we upgraded business processes with advanced processes such as SIOP (Sales Inventory Operations Planning) and ERP and technological improvements such as business intelligence and predictive analytics.

In two other client examples, base process disciplines such as date changes were not occurring. Unfortunately, when fundamentals such as updating sales order dates and work order dates are not occurring, manufacturing, purchasing, shipping, and the rest of the organization can become disjoined and chaotic. In one client, the client incurred 800 hours of changeover time because no one could determine the schedule, and the sales team required that the schedule change back and forth to satisfy customers. Thus, we works hand-in-hand with the production site to roll out a production schedule and brought past due down to close to zero and doubled schedule adherence.

In another client, the planning team received hundreds of emails a day from Sales on orders yet didn’t have clarity on date expectations from the customer or from Purchasing as to when materials would be available. Something had to change! Clearly, the situation caused unnecessary chaos. Thus, we worked with the client to upgrade process disciplines, define the use of date fields and timing of transactions, and roll out training, education and metrics across the board. Email traffic went down and customer service went up rapidly.

The Bottom Line

There is a lack of talent. No matter where in the world we ask, thus far, we’ve received the answer that there simply isn’t enough talent. The leaders that take control and attract, retain, and develop talent will thrive and have more opportunities than ever before. The countries with proactive leaders who find creative solutions to this talent shortage will lead the rest. Where will you stand?

If you are interested in reading more on this topic:
Lost Revenue Due to Lack of Resources: How to Attract People to Your Company

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Supply Chains are on the Move Tue, 10 Oct 2023 15:41:24 +0000 Global supply chains are on the move. Executives have been hit with the harsh reality that the risk (supply chain, geopolitical, cyber, IP, etc.) is far higher than they realized when they outsourced with an eye to cost.

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Global supply chains are on the move. Executives have been hit with the harsh reality that the risk (supply chain, geopolitical, cyber, IP, etc.) is far higher than they realized when they outsourced with an eye to cost. In addition to that 80 pound gorilla, they also have suffered with delays, disruptions, and uncertainty in serving customers due to lengthy distances and logistical risk. Thus, supply chains are on the move. Strategies need to be rethought, the end-to-end supply chain assessed, and future customer needs evaluated to get in front of this changing landscape. SIOP (Sales Inventory Operations Planning) is a key process and toolset for successfully navigating this transition with profitable growth fueling the process.

Risks Abound in the Global Supply Chain

Risks abound in the global supply chain. From Russia-Ukraine to China’s extreme risk including threats to Taiwan to the increasing cyber risk, executives are struggling to navigate the global supply chain. A few critical points that “tell the story” of risk include:

  • Russia-Ukraine war: The war has disrupted the critical commodities of oil and natural gas. Europe put sanctions on Russia which left them in a bad situation in getting enough energy to power their current lifestyle as well as critical manufacturing, logistics and infrastructure needs. Thus, Europe has been scrambling to address backup sources of supply. In the interim, Russia sold oil and natural gas to China and India. The end result is price escalation in addition to “supply on the move”. Oil and natural gas is used in countless products from medical devices to glasses to phones, thus impacting the global supply chain.
  • The China risk factor: China is simply a mountain of risk. China is the number one manufacturer in the world and accounts for almost 30% of the world’s output. Thus, from internal issues (severe water and energy shortages with “solutions” of permitting two coal plants a week) to threatening Taiwan (putting 90% of the world’s advanced computer chips and 60% of the world’s standard computer chips at risk) to monopolizing rare earths (produces 60% and processes 85% of the world’s rare earths) to buying up critical infrastructure around the world (such as controlling both ends of the Panama Canal) and controlling the South China Seas, China wants to control the world’s supply chains.
  • Talent & Technology: Resources are limited around the world. For example, according to EY and an iMocha report, 81% of organizations are experiencing a shortage in skilled tech workers. Similarly, the risk of cyber attacks and supply chain security issues increase with each passing day. For example, according to Deloitte’s report 2023 Global Future of Cyber Survey 2023, 91% of organizations report experiencing one or more cyber incidents or breaches.

And now Israel is at war. Volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA) is at an all-time high in recent history. The bottom line is that risks have reached a level that is unacceptable to many executives.

SIOP to Devise a New Path Forward

SIOP (Sales Inventory Operations Planning), also known as S&OP is a process that will help you navigate changing business conditions (such as these extreme risks). SIOP starts with a view into your future customer demand (sales forecast, customer orders, quotes, CRM) and translates that into manufacturing and supply chain requirements. The process will highlight capacity constraints (production, storage, resource), upcoming bottlenecks, forecasts for investment (equipment, inventory, resources), make vs buy decisions, and customer/ product profitability opportunities.

For example, when consulting with an industrial manufacturer that was concerned about risks in the end-to-end supply chain, and so used the SIOP process to visualize what should be done. Based on their demand plan, they were able to see impacts to their supply plans and where risks were in their current manufacturing and supply chain. Thus, they assessed and took action to transition to backup sources of supply, expand their supply base into India, pre-purchase critical commodities to give them time to assess their future needs, and they expanded regional manufacturing by sourcing offload suppliers. By taking these actions, they were able to secure supply to meet their aggressive growth plans.

Assessing Strategies

In our book, “SIOP (Sales Inventory Operations Planning): Creating Predictable Revenue and EBITDA Growth“, we discuss how SIOP will fuel transformative strategies for growth while mitigating risk.

  • Supply chain footprint: SIOP looks forward to future customer requirements and determines how to reallocate manufacturing and change the supply chain footprint (reshoring, nearshoring, regional manufacturing, additive manufacturing) to support key customers and grow the business while mitigating risk in how product is manufactured, distributed, transported and delivered in the order fulfillment process. Vast changes are occurring. For example, Apple is moving from China to India, Dell is moving from China to Vietnam, HP is moving from China to Mexico, and Intel is building a ‘mega’ factory in Germany and expanding capacity in the U.S. with its first new manufacturing facility in 40 years.
  • Supply chains on the move: As the supply chain footprint evolves, the global logistics landscape must change to support it. Thus, as I said at the IMUI international conference, shipping routes will change and evolve with changing business conditions and risks. For example, in addition to keeping up with manufacturing changes, as China becomes risk laden and the South China Seas becomes uncertain at best, companies will continue to move manufacturing and/or change shipping routes. As delays consume shipping routes such as the Panama Canal, companies will find alternatives, and as strike risks impact supply chains such as the West Coast ports, shipping routes move (and the East Coast gains in this example).
  • Examining links: SIOP opens the door to examine every link in the chain. From enabling margin analysis by product groupings, customers, markets and regions to examining the customer experience, the SIOP provides for holistic as well as departmental strategies.
  • Margin vs risk: SIOP also provides the data and process for evaluating cost reduction opportunities, pricing strategies, sales channel and marketing options, operations and supply chain alternatives, and inventory and capacity fulfillment options while assessing customer value-add business risk.
  • Talent & Technology roadmap: Last but not least, SIOP translates demand and supply plans into talent and technology requirements. More importantly, the resource requirements can will be impacted by the technology roadmap, and so the best SIOP strategies proactively address talent and technology to optimize, digitize and thrive. There are simply not enough resources at any company. Only those that automate, utilize technology and innovate will survive, let along thrive.

As risks abound, the best in class will utilize the proven process of SIOP to proactively navigate changing conditions in a manner that is not only supportive of profitable growth but is also focused on critical risks and long-term success.

Innovation: A Forward Take on Risk

Beyond the uncommon common sense strategies to ensure predictable revenue and EBITDA growth, executives must develop a culture of innovation. The world has become not only complex and convoluted, but also a maze of geopolitical risk dependent on advanced technologies. These advanced technologies escalate risk further as they are dependent on commodities in risk abundant regions of the world and carry the threat of cyber attacks. Thus, the smart are innovating. Only forward-thinking innovators willing to do what most executives will not do (such as invest when everyone else panics) while remaining calm, resilient and strong will thrive for decades to come.

Did you like this article?  Continue reading on this topic:
SIOP/ S&OP Playbook: Creating Predictability & EBITDA Growth

The post Supply Chains are on the Move appeared first on LMA-Consulting Group, a supply chain consulting firm.

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Give Thanks Tue, 22 Nov 2022 15:50:12 +0000 Although we should always think about giving thanks, it certainly comes to mind more over Thanksgiving week. I would like to thank the LMA team, clients, family, and friends for not only a wonderful year, but also for propping me up when I need it, asking the hard questions, providing support, and much more. It takes a village!

The post Give Thanks appeared first on LMA-Consulting Group, a supply chain consulting firm.



Although we should always think about giving thanks, it certainly comes to mind more over Thanksgiving week. I would like to thank the LMA team, clients, family, and friends for not only a wonderful year, but also for propping me up when I need it, asking the hard questions, providing support, and much more. It takes a village!

In this past year, I would like to point out a few specific people who have gone above and beyond. Diane Garcia has been instrumental in our success with clients, and we enjoy working together (what could be better!). Liz Cruz has come on board in the last few years (although we have a LONG history of working together since I hired her out of college – we were both so young!), and I appreciate her great insights and persistence in wrestling issues to the ground with clients! Cindy Orshonsky works magic with Power Points and graphics, making us all look exceptional in front of clients. Jesse Dalton works magic with data and keeps us powered behind the scenes, and we very much appreciate it! And there are several other colleagues in the background as well such as Pam Scrivner.

A few ASCM/ APICS Board members stand out who have gone over and beyond including Tony Martinez (the future of our profession thanks you), Phil Elhai (your students thank you), Valerie Ladd (our finances thank you for your excellent stewardship so that we can support student and professionals in manufacturing and supply chain!), and many more. My ProVisors team including Kathy McEntee (marketing guru), Shantae Hansen (fast, friendly, frustration free IT), Eric Roark (supporting your finance needs), Eileen Angulo (expertly navigating the complicated HR waters), and many, many, many, many more. Too many to mention! I am blessed.

People Follow People; Not Companies

Every client complains about not having enough of the “right” skills/ people. Currently, there are no exceptions. Similar to companies having “too much” inventory but not the “right” items in the “right” place at the “right” time, companies don’t have the “right” skills in the “right” place at the “right” time. To thrive during these turbulent times, you will need to be AHEAD of the curve with the “right” skills thinking through the “right” topics at the “right” time. So, how does all this relate to the topic of giving thanks? Very simply, if you want to retain your best people, you should appreciate them and give thanks. As you create an engaging environment, people will be attracted to you. A simple thank is appreciated.

Every day you arrive at work or enter a Teams room online, think about who you should thank:

  • Has someone helped you on a project lately?
  • Did your employee stay over to finish a key objective?
  • Did a team member go over and beyond to service a customer?
  • Has a colleague presented an idea or provided a suggestion for improvement?
  • And many, many other scenarios like this……..

If so, a simple thank you will go a long way. So long as it is genuine, a thank you is FAR more important than financial rewards for your best employees. Why not start during Thanksgiving week?

Please keep us in the loop of your situation and how we can help your organization thrive during these times of volatility and disruption. There will be more winners created than at any other time than since emerging from the Great Depression. To gain additional ideas and insights on how to best navigate these volatile times and thrive, read our new eBook Thriving in 2022. Learning from Supply Chain Chaos. Download your complimentary copy.

Thriving in 2022

The post Give Thanks appeared first on LMA-Consulting Group, a supply chain consulting firm.

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The War for Talent in the Supply Chain & Upcoming Webinar of Top Notch Global Consultants Mon, 08 Nov 2021 19:31:23 +0000 Many circumstances have added up to create a massive war for talent. As I wrote in Brushware magazine, the skills gap is getting worse by the day. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 4.3 million Americans quit their jobs in August which is a record-breaking month following additional record-breaking months.

The post The War for Talent in the Supply Chain & Upcoming Webinar of Top Notch Global Consultants appeared first on LMA-Consulting Group, a supply chain consulting firm.


The War for Talent

Many circumstances have added up to create a massive war for talent. As I wrote in Brushware magazine, the skills gap is getting worse by the day. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 4.3 million Americans quit their jobs in August which is a record-breaking month following additional record-breaking months.

Several of the reasons that pop to mind include:

  • Baby boomers are retiring even faster than planned pre-pandemic
  • Employees have decided to retire early after reevaluating life
  • The pandemic forced people to reevaluate their career, and they are refocusing on jobs they perceive to have more meaning
  • Parents had to stay home with their children and have decided their kids need more attention and/or they prefer to focus additional attention at home
  • Employees have to focus additional attention on aging parents and need more flexibility than their job provides
  • People got used to unemployment and have decided to pursue different avenues
  • Employees don’t want to be forced to get the vaccine
  • Employees are feeling comfortable to job hop and interested in more money
  • And, the #1 reason people decide to leave is due to weak leadership/ bad boss.

As my colleague said recently, there is a war on talent, and the talent has won. So, the key question is what can you do about this problem?

Join Global Supply Chain Experts for a Panel Discussion

As part of the Society for the Advancement of Consulting, I participate with a special interest group of top-notch supply chain consultants from around the globe with expertise and clients from Europe to North America to the Pacific Rim. We support clients ranging from small and medium size closely held businesses to private equity backed companies to global enterprises and advise them on strategies to successfully navigate the changing global landscape.

We will talk about what we’re seeing across the globe as it relates to talent and labor shortages, and more importantly, we will discuss strategies to succeed during this war on talent.

Listen to our panel discussions here:

    If you register, you will receive access to the archives as well.

    What would you like to ask about talent in the supply chain? Feel free to contact us with your questions and input as well.

    Did you like this article? Continue reading on this topic:
    Talent, Talent, Talent

    The post The War for Talent in the Supply Chain & Upcoming Webinar of Top Notch Global Consultants appeared first on LMA-Consulting Group, a supply chain consulting firm.

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    The Gap in Leadership Mon, 16 Aug 2021 19:52:32 +0000 During the pandemic, there was a mass exodus of talent as leaders decided to retire early, switch careers or just take a step back. On the other hand, the leader's job is becoming far more challenging. Not only has the last year required navigating the pandemic but now leaders are faced with scarce resources, more work and new challenges to tackle with extended lead times, inflation and rapidly changing customer conditions. What should leaders do?

    The post The Gap in Leadership appeared first on LMA-Consulting Group, a supply chain consulting firm.



    During the pandemic, there was a mass exodus of talent as leaders decided to retire early, switch careers or just take a step back. On the other hand, the leader’s job is becoming far more challenging. Not only has the last year required navigating the pandemic but now leaders are faced with scarce resources, more work and new challenges to tackle with extended lead times, inflation and rapidly changing customer conditions. What should leaders do?

    One Tip to Implement This Week:

    Leaders must lead; there is never a more important time to lead than during challenging conditions. Step up to the plate.

    • Have courage: The best leaders have courage and are willing to speak up for their people; willing to admit mistakes; willing to go the extra mile and willing to make the unpopular but required decision.
    • Check in: You must check in with your team. What is going on? What challenges are they facing? What are they excited about and what opportunities might be around the corner?
    • Expect more: When you expect more from your people, they will rise to the occasion.
    • Provide tools & resources: Although it seems like common sense, providing tools and resources the team needs to be successful is often overlooked. Once you start down the path, do NOT stop as it is better to not start in the first place if you will not follow through.
    • Be present: Are you calling it in or are you participating? Be present for your team.
    • Innovate: Leaders are in short supply. Try new ideas or use stop gap measures to fill leadership gaps. Most importantly, don’t assume your stars will cover and do not require attention and leadership or they will leave.

    Please keep us in the loop of your situation and how we can help your organization successfully navigate the current volatility and emerge above and beyond. Several of these types of topics are included in our new eBook Emerging Above and Beyond: 21 Insights for 2021 from Manufacturing, Supply Chain & Technology Executives. Download your complimentary copy.

    The post The Gap in Leadership appeared first on LMA-Consulting Group, a supply chain consulting firm.

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