better utilize ERP Archives - LMA-Consulting Group, a supply chain consulting firm Sat, 30 Mar 2024 06:37:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Supply Chain Shortages Remain a Concern: Strategies for Success Wed, 20 Mar 2024 15:16:42 +0000 Manufacturers wish they left supply chain shortages behind after the pandemic, but they remain top of mind. Concerns remain. According to KPMG, “71% of global companies highlight raw material costs as their number one supply chain threat for 2023.”

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Supply Chain Briefing

Supply Chain Shortages Remain a Concern: Strategies for Success

Manufacturers wish they left supply chain shortages behind after the pandemic, but they remain top of mind. Concerns remain. According to KPMG, “71% of global companies highlight raw material costs as their number one supply chain threat for 2023.” And the trend isn’t ceasing. According to a survey by LeanDNA and Wakefield Research, supply chain shortages remain a leading concern for manufacturers as they look to the future.”

In fact, if you look at the pharmaceutical industry, shortages have been creating havoc. For example, there have been shortages of over-the-counter drugs and prescription medications for ADHD, cancer and diabetes have been widespread. There has been commentary about a spike in demand, but there are also comments about manufacturing delays. Of course, this is before we discuss the state of logistics disruption.

In addition to product, material and healthcare shortages, clients are experiencing a severe shortage of high-skilled talent and are struggling to upgrade ERP systems and related technologies. These issues are aggravating the shortage situation as multiple clients have the lack of system support creating further shortages and work stoppage in addition to frustrating their employees.

It is simply creating havoc as people jump into jobs they are not prepared to execute, and Executives are struggling to understand why their resources no longer seem to have the expertise they used to have. Worse yet, if they don’t realize this is occurring, the situation gets worse as employees make poor decisions and struggle to keep up. Refer to our article, Where the Talent Has Gone & Strategies for Success.

Strategies for Success

Customers will not suffer endlessly as shortages persist. They will find alternative sources of supply, source from different regions of the world, find backup sources, search for suppliers that can provide visibility and status of the end-to-end supply chain and invest in reshoring, nearshoring, and expanding regional manufacturing footprints.

Thus, proactive executives are getting ahead of these challenges. We have no doubt that the companies that can supply critical items in the next several years with uninterrupted supply will lead their industries for decades to come. What are some of the best practice strategies being deployed?

  1. Go back to the basics: It is simply surprising how many clients are running into problems with the fundamentals. Who knew a best practice was to return to basics! According to a leading authority on the subject of generational diversity in the workplace, the younger generations is struggling with ambiguity and decision making. This has proven to be “on the mark” as clients have employees stuck and struggling as they don’t know why the computer is spitting out answers that are wrong and what to do about it. Thus, we are jumping in to define processes, educate on concepts and help clients over this unexpected bottleneck. Perform a supply chain assessment to quickly size up where to focus. Take our complimentary supply chain assessment quiz.
  2. Planning best practices: There is no doubt that production planning, materials management, replenishment planning, and each planning expertise is in limited supply yet is cornerstone to mitigating shortages and getting in front of demand. Refer to recent examples of how this topic can make or break success in our recent article.
  3. SIOP (Sales Inventory Operations Planning): One of the single best strategies to get in front of changing conditions and ensure profitable growth is to rollout a SIOP process. A SIOP process will align Sales with Operations, demand with supply, and, most importantly, it will provide a proactive view into changing circumstances with recommended solution options, impacts on product and customer profitability, heads up to capacity bottlenecks, and sales funnel changes. Read our book, SIOP: Creating Predictable Revenue and EBITDA Growth.
  4. ERP, advanced technologies & automation: No client will succeed with manual spreadsheets long-term. The most successful clients are better utilizing their ERP systems to provide enhanced visibility, flexibility, and service while also pursuing advanced technologies (digital twins, artificial intelligence, IoT, robotics, meta) and automation to improve efficiencies, reduce errors, and increase scalability and profitability.
  5. Innovation: Continuous improvement is no longer enough. Only those companies that innovate and turn 1+1 into 22 with collaborative partnerships will succeed.
  6. Trends & Metrics: Although it is essential to review progress and results by tracking key performance indicators like OTIF (on-time-in-full), production output, and inventory turns, it is even more important to be focused on “where the puck is going” (not where it has been). Tracking trends, listening to diverse perspectives, researching and trialing new and potential trends is the focus of our most successful clients.
  7. Regional manufacturing: Although this topic should arise through your SIOP process, our money is on regional manufacturing. Clients must take control over their ability to service customers. Reshoring, nearshoring, expanding manufacturing and collaborative partnerships are hot topics. For example, even industries such as medical device, pharmaceutical, and computer chips are joining aerospace, food & beverage, industrial equipment, and building products to produce close to customers.
  8. Talent: We’d be remiss not to mention that talent will “win” in the end. Attract, hoard, develop, train, and mentor talent!

Shortages are persisting. Geopolitical tensions remain high. Critical supplies such as computer chips, medical supplies, and aerospace and defense products are providing evidence that it isn’t just a lack of “nice-to-have” items. Pursue strategies to ensure you are ahead of the curve, and your business will thrive.

If you are interested in reading more on this topic:
Why Manufacturing Matters and Will Thrive in the Next Decade

The post Supply Chain Shortages Remain a Concern: Strategies for Success appeared first on LMA-Consulting Group, a supply chain consulting firm.

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How Do You Rate in Supply Chain? Fri, 23 Feb 2024 14:25:52 +0000 Clients typically set goals; however, goals without an understanding of where you stand is non-value added. Although it is common to set goals and expect employees to achieve them, it is far less common for clients to understand how they will get from the current state to the desired future state.

The post How Do You Rate in Supply Chain? appeared first on LMA-Consulting Group, a supply chain consulting firm.

Supply Chain Quiz

Clients typically set goals; however, goals without an understanding of where you stand is non-value added. Although it is common to set goals and expect employees to achieve them, it is far less common for clients to understand how they will get from the current state to the desired future state. You must start by understanding where you stand in your supply chain. Unfortunately, although this sounds obvious (and Executives would agree), in reality, it is uncommon common sense!

How comfortable are you that you understand where you stand when it comes to your supply chain? We thought it would be of value to create a quick (2 minute) supply chain assessment quiz so that you can self-assess your supply chain. Learn more about the quiz here.

Client Example: Supply Chain Assessment for Service Turnaround

Our first step of any project is to perform a rapid supply chain assessment. For LMA to help a client, we must know the current situation. We do a review of people, processes, systems (ERP and peripheral systems such as CRM, CPQ, etc.), data, alignment with strategy, etc. Since we are focused on bottom line results, we must determine how to get from “here” to “there” on the quickest and smartest path while ensuring quick wins and value along the way.

For example, an aerospace manufacturer wanted to improve delivery performance to support key customer programs (Boeing, Gulfstream, etc.). In essence, they wanted to dramatically increase OTIF (on-time-in-full) from the mid 60%’s rapidly and reduce lead times to a more acceptable and attractive level for customers while maintaining or improving costs and working capital levels. The executives brought us in as supply chain consultants to upgrade their systems, processes, and talent to achieve these goals.

Our first priority was to perform a supply chain assessment. We reviewed their end-to-end order flow process, use of ERP, data, and skills/ talent. This provided us with a good understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and risks of execution so that we could put together a roadmap for success.

We stuck around and partnered with our client to roll out demand planning, master scheduling, capacity planning, and SIOP (Sales Inventory Operations Planning), also known as S&OP programs. Based on the assessment, we knew we could better utilize their ERP system and upgrade processes by entering forecasts, analyzing capacity plans and establishing supplier contracts with attractive pricing and stability. Additionally, we identified training and education opportunities and risks of execution so that we could mitigate potential bottlenecks. We brought service levels into the 90%’s, gained key customer confidence with improved scorecard performance, and improved margins by several points by rolling out materials forecasts, supplier contracts, and by gaining long-term visibility into operational capacity to minimize costs.

Client Example: Supply Chain Assessment to Turnaround an ERP Debacle

In an electrical equipment manufacturer, customers were upset due to lagging service levels and key employees were overwhelmed with an insurmountable workload following the launch of a new ERP system. After jumping into the details to work with their North American planners to unbury the schedule and to develop directional capacity information, we performed a supply chain assessment with an eye to use of ERP. There was no way to find a grain of sand in the ocean of details without assessing their supply chain and use of ERP.

Although we have a combined 99+ years of experience, 112+ successful client engagements with bottom line business results, 42+ ERP projects, and specialized manufacturing experience, jumping into the process and working with the key resources to turn around the execution didn’t provide enough information to put together a long-term path forward that would achieve the radical improvement required with the ERP system. Thus, an assessment was required with the full scope of ERP as it relates to supply chain and order creation and fulfillment.

We spent five weeks in an around-the-clock focused effort as the situation was urgent to gain a thorough perspective of the business processes, use of ERP and associated skills. After all, our team had to absorb what the ERP implementation team took a year to develop and roll out while understanding the impacts on the supply chain teams (demand planning, production planning, materials planning, capacity planning, etc.) and the correlation to the business bottlenecks. We reviewed business requirements, ERP functionality, offline spreadsheet processes, the status of data integrity, data availability, the status of training and development, availability of key resources, etc. Although it was a hair-raising process, we were successful in putting together an assessment, resource recommendations, quick wins and long-term solution to rectify the use of the ERP system to drive the business results.

The Bottom Line

Take a step back and assess what is needed to achieve your objectives. Don’t “stay in your lane” if you require a broader scope to ensure results even if you must have uncomfortable conversations and take risks in pushing back on standard assumptions. On the other hand, don’t fall into analysis paralysis. When you have a directional view that is assured to get you moving in the “right” direction (even if not 100% optimal), start moving. Avoid circular discussions and pivot back to the key points.

Also consider the people, the process, the system, the data, metrics and strategy in conjunction with each other. Focusing on technical without the process and people will not work, but focusing on the people without a good understanding of the technical and process aspects will not work either. In fact, you will come to inaccurate conclusions in your assessment that will make the situation worse, not better. Instead, use uncommon common sense, and you success rate will skyrocket.

If you are interested in reading more on this topic:
Why Planning is Impacted as Disruptions Abound

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Leveraging ERP and related technologies for a diverse customer experience Thu, 22 Feb 2024 22:33:53 +0000 Enterprise resource planning systems, CRMs and other tech such as RFID, barcoding, customer and supplier portals, blockchain, IoT, and GPS tracking all support this goal.

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Enterprise resource planning systems, CRMs and other tech such as RFID, barcoding, customer and supplier portals, blockchain, IoT, and GPS tracking all support this goal.

Modern ERP systems are no longer just about transactional processes and standard business processes. They are now pivotal in meeting customer requirements, supporting automation, and integrating other essential technologies like AI, IoT, CRM and e-commerce.

Companies must stand out from the crowd with a superior customer experience to sustain profitable growth during these turbulent times; however, service alone will no longer suffice. Companies must contain cost and mitigate risk. ERP and related technologies are key to achieving these objectives.

During these turbulent times of supply chain disruptions, geopolitical risk, and stubborn inflation, companies must take bold action to mitigate risk, stabilize the supply chain, provide a customer service edge, and contain costs. As wars rage across the world, geopolitical risk has skyrocketed. If there is a disruption at one node in the end-to-end supply chain, the disruption can ripple throughout the entire chain. Executives realize that the risk is simply too high to count on the supply chain remaining stable without securing and gaining visibility to their full supply chain.

Similarly, as the world struggles with limited resources, high inflation and interest rates, there is an intense focus on cash flow and cost containment. Only those companies that automate, digitize, and utilize advanced technologies across their supply chains will be able to support customer requirements while maintaining and increasing profitability, productivity, and working capital. This will become even more critical as those companies that do not invest in their future will not be able to meet customers’ needs, leaving a vast opportunity for those ready to scale and meet customer requests.

Not enough to use your old ERP in new ways

Better utilizing an old ERP system will no longer suffice. To stand out from the crowd, you must go beyond these fundamentals and offer a differentiated or personalized customer experience.

For example, your ERP system must allow for progressive e-commerce capabilities that support not only B2C consumer expectations but also provides advantages for B2B customer ordering and status visibility with ease and effectiveness. Your ERP system should support customer personalization as well as product and service customization.

Similarly, a customer relationship management (CRM) system should be robust in tracking your pipeline, building relationships, and providing relevant insights and statistics of where to focus. Our most successful clients focus on analyzing CRM data, forecasting future customer needs, and utilizing these insights to build customer relationships.

The best clients combine CRM with a powerful business intelligence system to create predictive analytics and assess what if scenarios. The best companies connect directly with their customers’ data and provide proactive insights and differentiated value to their customers.

In addition to gaining sales, companies should utilize ERPs to take customer service to the next level with collaborative customer ordering programs and vendor managed inventory programs. By utilizing demand planning and sales forecasting including the use of AI and predictive analytics as well as replenishment planning and advanced planning functionality, clients can solidify their preferred partner status.

For example, a health care products manufacturer grew the business by outperforming their key customer’s resources in determining what to stock where. Not only did they increase their customer’s fill rate and shorten lead times, but they also reduced their customer’s inventory levels. The customer responded by expanding business and suggesting additional opportunities. In addition, the manufacturer reduced inventory levels and improved their production, warehousing, and transportation efficiencies. Profitability and cash flow increased.

Manufacturer technology that supports supply chain visibility

End-to-end supply chain visibility is essential to responding quickly to changing conditions and in providing Amazon-like status updates to your customers. Several technologies support this type of visibility, including RFID, barcoding, customer and supplier portals, blockchain, IoT, GPS tracking, and more. Smart companies are collaborating with supply chain partners to gain access to status information and to connect, plan, and optimize efficiencies across their supply chain.

For example, if you know the status of key materials, you can better plan production to minimize costs while meeting customer expectations. If you know the status of incoming goods, you can optimize truckloads and modes of transportation to mitigate costs while improving delivery performance.

The metaverse can bring together what customers ask for with what customers need. In essence it can accelerate your SIOP (Sales Inventory Operations Planning) process. In a metaverse collaborative room, any set of customers, consumers, and suppliers can meet virtually to review sales forecasts, projected production plans, and possible supplier/capacity limitations that could affect manufacturing volume. They also can visualize an immersive supply chain network map, see where inventory is, identify issues, and model possible solutions. These types of proactive solutions will upgrade your ability to secure your supply chain, enhance margins, and provide end-to-end visibility.

The ever-increasing importance of automation

In addition to automating repetitive tasks, ERP systems and related technologies can keep facilities running at night without people. Since most clients have consciously prioritized which customers to serve due to limited resources, taking advantage of lights out capabilities is quite appealing.

For example, an aerospace manufacturer had a bottleneck in a critical area of the shop that required high-skilled resources to function which created significant past due and unhappy customers. This client purchased a robot and invested in high-skilled talent to modify the robot to work for their needs and connect it to their systems. They were able to program the robot during the day and run lights out on second and third shift, quickly resurrecting their customer service and supporting future growth.

As companies expand and upgrade the use of ERP and related technologies, they can create unique value for customers and in their supply chain. Taking it a step further, to thrive during these turbulent and inflationary times, it is important to automate, digitize, reduce repetitive labor requirements, increase efficiencies, and standardize so that more can be achieved with fewer resources. The best companies engage their people and connect with customers and suppliers to upgrade the end-to-end customer experience.

Originally published on on November 17, 2023.

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Why Planning Is Impacted As Disruptions Abound Tue, 23 Jan 2024 21:28:30 +0000 Disruptions have not stopped. China has been flying balloons over Taiwan. North Korea is threatening South Korea. Russia continues its war with Ukraine. Israel is at war with Hamas [...]

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Supply Chain Briefing

Why Planning Is Impacted As Disruptions Abound

Disruptions have not stopped. China has been flying balloons over Taiwan. North Korea is threatening South Korea. Russia continues its war with Ukraine. Israel is at war with Hamas which has spread throughout the region, diverting container ships from the Suez Canal in addition to causing a bunch of other negative consequences. The Panama Canal is experiencing a drought and has reduced the number of container ships that can pass. It got so bad that tankers are now avoiding it altogether which has improved pricing to jump to the head of the line for container ships.

And this is before we bring up one of the hottest topics for companies – the skills gap. In essence, although the high level numbers have improved a bit, if you talk with executives, they are challenged to find resources with the appropriate skill sets. Only the companies advancing technology will thrive; however, it requires additional resources with technical skills to pursue these avenues. It is a complete jumble. If a client thinks they have the resources, it turns out they don’t know what the executives expect them to know. Or, as conditions change (new ERP system, new company ownership, changing economic conditions), they fall short. To read more about where the talent has gone and strategies for success, read our blog article.

Why The Issues All Fall to Planning

At multiple clients, the issues are stockpiling in Planning. We consider Planning to include the following areas:

  • Demand planning
  • Production planning & scheduling
  • Replenishment planning (transfers, distribution)
  • Materials planning
  • Logistics planning (warehouse, transportation, international)

Here are the common causes that are flowing into the Planning Teams. Executives are frustrated and often think the people are the issue when it is the process, the system, the way the organization is set up etc.

  • Customer Service: If Customer Service doesn’t proactively manage customer requests, push back when appropriate, handle customer concerns proactively, enter sales orders with the appropriate fields filled in correctly, every issue will fall in Planning’s lap. As Planning plans and schedules, these issues will arise, and they will have to reschedule, expedite, etc. Additionally, as customers change their mind or orders are pushed out or in, if Customer Service isn’t on top of these issues and proactively communicating cross-functionally, the issues flow to Planning’s desk.
  • Engineering: In CTO (configure-to-order) and ETO (engineer-to-order) companies, the product is not finalized until it goes through Engineering. If delays or mistakes occur during this process, the issues flow into Planning’s lap. Also, typically if customer approvals are required, the follow up falls to Engineering. If the customer is delayed in providing approval, they typically still want it on the original request date, even if the company has a policy against this occurring. It happens anyway and falls to Planning to resolve.
  • Transactions: If the warehouse doesn’t ship, receive, and transfer on a timely and accurate basis, if production doesn’t enter production and issue materials on a timely and accurate basis, if whoever is responsible for scrap and usage adjustments don’t handle them on a timely and accurate basis, if the inventory team doesn’t cycle count, research and resolve root causes on a timely and accurate basis, the issues pile up in Planning. To determine what to plan, inventory must be accurate and performed on a timely basis. Another issue that arises related to transactions are design decisions made on the basis of minimizing transactions in one department that pushes the workload to Planning. Unfortunately, the fact that the workload will end up in Planning isn’t typically known, but it is what happens as someone needs to figure out what to do. If you don’t track at a detailed level yet you need to plan at a detailed level, Planning will have to figure it out manually.
  • Suppliers: If suppliers struggle or transportation is delayed (such as the Suez and Panama Canal or via strikes), production must be rescheduled. Again, the issues wind up in Planning to resolve before moving on.
  • ERP setup and use challenges: There are millions of setups and processes tied to how an ERP system is rolled out or upgraded. Thus, there are many ways the system can drive incorrect actions. For example, if an item is set up to flow through MRP when it should flow through a min-max planning process or vice-versa, the planner will not receive the appropriate signals. If your branches are not set up properly and in conjunction with your sales forecast, you can send the wrong product to the wrong place at the wrong time. If lead times and safety stocks are not monitored, you can run the plant out of materials or create an overage quite easily. If there are ECNs (engineering change notices) but the ERP system cannot handle them, the Planners might be left updating countless work orders to know what to produce and order.

In the last six months, we’ve seen Planning get bombarded with these types of issues across multiple clients in multiple industries and multiple geographies. It is a common situation.

Path Forward: Reactive to Proactive

Unfortunately, there are no easy solutions. In fact, that is how “we” have got into this situation. Someone has to figure out the path forward. If no one else does it and the ERP system hasn’t been designed to handle it yet, Planning will be your last resort. Thus, ensure you have the appropriate skills on your Planning teams. If they are supposed to catch whatever goes wrong throughout the lifecycle of an order, make sure your planners are ready to do that for an interim period of time. Have you provided ongoing training and education? Have you hired consultants to help your team upgrade the process? Have you invested in additional technology to support your team?

Look around you. Have you had several retirements of long-term employees? Are you sure someone has absorbed ALL of the relevant tasks? How sure are you that the tasks will be automated? How sure are you that they are no longer required if you’ve implemented a process change? How sure are you that your new resources understand the big picture? In several situations, smart executives wondered why these tasks couldn’t be automated. Of course, the answer is that they can be automated, but ONLY with a high-skilled resource(s) with practical experience that can ensure items don’t fall through the cracks. Don’t wait for retirements to occur to go backwards and think about the process. Plan ahead, develop career paths, and transition plans.

Have you implemented a new ERP system or new ERP functionality? Most likely, the ERP team said we will start with base information and add your requests to future phases. How sure are you that those requests will be covered in the interim period? Have you planned to bring on board the appropriate resources for the workload in the interim? Do your employees know what should be done? They might just know what doesn’t seem right, but not know what to do to make it better. Are there a few of those items that should be fought for instead of postponing to a future phase? If you don’t want your business waiting on the Planning Team, re-review if you hear any of these watch-outs. Supplement your team, provide support, and tie rewards with the outcomes you want to achieve for not just the ERP team, but also for those required to ensure success.

Pivot from reactive to proactive is the message. Think forward, invest wisely, provide training and education to your people, communicate clearly, hire leaders with the experience to “jump in” and take on tasks to “see” what their team members are experiencing and help their team climb out of holes. We are in a business environment that is not for the faint of heart. Strong leaders that are willing to take on smart risks, work hard, and pivot with changing conditions will deliver strong results.

SIOP: Reactive to Proactive

Smart leaders are rolling out a SIOP (Sales Inventory Operations Planning) process to proactively plan demand and supply. SIOP will alert you to bottlenecks, issues, the need to pivot etc. Forward-thinking companies are gaining an advantage as they have planned ahead to be agile, pivot quickly, and most importantly, are ahead of the curve in securing capacity, materials, and key resources.

Think ahead and pay close attention to what’s going on in your Planning Team. If the ball is rolling downhill, put stopgaps in place to catch it while proactively addressing the topic.

If you are interested in reading more on this topic:
Master Planning & Production Scheduling Case Study: Gaining Visibility for Results

The post Why Planning Is Impacted As Disruptions Abound appeared first on LMA-Consulting Group, a supply chain consulting firm.

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Integrate AI in Manufacturing to Raise the Bar Thu, 11 Jan 2024 16:06:57 +0000 According to Polaris Market Research, the market size of artificial intelligence (AI) in manufacturing is predicted to grow more than 41% during the next decade. Although the latest Sikich Industry Pulse found that less than 20% manufacturers have started to implement AI [...]

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According to Polaris Market Research, the market size of artificial intelligence (AI) in manufacturing is predicted to grow more than 41% during the next decade. Although the latest Sikich Industry Pulse found that less than 20% manufacturers have started to implement AI, the ones that want to thrive in the next decade are pursuing AI strategies that make sense to support their business objectives. AI can help manufacturers target where to focus and automate mundane tasks.

There are many uses for AI in manufacturing. A classic example is predictive maintenance. Instead of preventative maintenance, target where to maintain with predictive maintenance to maximize your efforts. Collaborative robots (cobots) work alongside people and often can perform tasks such as those requiring heavy lifting. Digital twins are virtual models of physical objects or layouts, and they can receive information about the object through sensors to get information about maintenance needs etc. On the software side, manufacturers are using robotic process automation (RPA) to handle high-volume, repetitive tasks that can be automated. 

For example, in working with a water tank manufacturer, we wanted to upgrade the use of ERP and start using MRP (material requirements planning) recommendations for purchasing. Before turning MRP on, we had to perform a cleanup of data and add routing data steps in the system. The team was lean, and it was estimated to take a few months to prepare for go-live. The executive team did not want to wait to improve service and increase efficiencies, and so a technical expert on the team used RPA to write a code to automate the setups. We completed the preparation in three days instead of three months and started gaining results.

Another application for AI in manufacturing is a lights-out factory which runs with robots. Although full lights-out factories are rare, this application is gaining momentum across the globe especially as workforce participation rates remain low, manufacturers realize they need to gain control of their success and are reshoring, and margins remain tight with high material and labor costs. Robots can operate around-the-clock without lunches, breaks, and workers compensation claims.

For example, an industrial manufacturing client struggled to find the talent to run its manufacturing operations. They couldn’t keep up with demand, employees were frustrated, and customers were unhappy. They purchased a robot to perform production in a key bottleneck area of the facility; however, the robots couldn’t produce around-the-clock because there was nowhere to store finished product on second and third shift without material handlers. Thus, the engineering team developed an automated way for the product to be moved from the point-of-production. Past due deliveries plummeted as the system came online.

AI is also prevalent in supply chain applications that support manufacturing success. For example, sales forecasting and demand planning is supported with AI algorithms to better predict demand. Even in the most industrial of manufacturers, demand patterns have been difficult to predict, creating a need for AI to get in front of demand. AI is also used in inventory management and to prevent bottlenecks and predict what’s needed.

AI requires proactive design so that you can limit expense and minimize the high-skilled resources required to go live. Start with a rapid assessment of your business requirements, process and technical infrastructure and resources. Select a pilot to test your plans and results will follow.

Originally published in Brushware Magazine, January / February 2024.

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Better Utilizing ERP for Sustainable Results Sun, 07 Jan 2024 17:04:12 +0000 99% of the companies that bring us on board for consulting projects can accelerate bottom line business results by better utilizing their ERP system.

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99% of the companies that bring us on board for consulting projects can accelerate bottom line business results by better utilizing their ERP system. The typical 80/20 equation holds true – at least 80% of companies underutilize their ERP system by a significant amount. Even the 20% that utilize their ERP system to a better degree than most have opportunities.

In almost 20 years of consulting, we have found only 1 client that couldn’t utilize their ERP system to a greater degree as their manual work around processes would fall apart. They required an ERP upgrade before they could utilize their system to a greater degree. Every other client could make progress (improve customer service levels such as OTIF on-time-in-full, reduce lead times, increase efficiencies, reduce waste, automate manual functions, reduce inventory, etc.) by better utilizing their ERP system. It didn’t matter if they had a tier 1 ERP system such as SAP or Oracle, or a tier 2 or 3 system such as Epicor, SAP Business One, Microsoft Business Central, Sage 100 etc. It didn’t matter the industry – aerospace, building products, life sciences/ healthcare products, or food and beverage. These statistics apply across the board. To learn more about how to better utilize ERP, read our article, The MacGyver Approach: Leveraging Your Underutilized Asset.

Building Products Manufacturer Case Study

A building products manufacturer struggled to get the “right” inventory to the “right” distribution center at the “right” time to service customers successfully. There were four production facilities supplying around 12 distribution centers across North America. Each production facility also functioned as a distribution center for their region. This consulting client used SAP, and although they were on an older version of the software, the system could support a complex distribution network. However, they were underutilizing the ERP system.

There were various levels of expertise at the production facilities, different processes at different facilities, and different use of the ERP system and different data integrity at different sites. This is not uncommon. In 80% of clients, the employees using the ERP system are NOT resistant to change once they understand how it works, how it will help, and how what they do fits into the big picture. Until they understand how to perform their daily tasks to successfully serve customers and accomplish their goals, they will do whatever it takes to do what’s needed including developing manual processes, updating spreadsheets, etc. That is exactly the situation as we entered this client.

We started by understanding the current business processes and use of the ERP system. By documenting the high-level processes, we could identify gaps and opportunities. We quickly addressed quick wins. There are typically a few quick wins at every client; however, to make sustainable progress, the key is to review how the business processes connect with and interface with each other. Once a full view of the business processes and interfaces emerges, the current use of ERP will also become apparent. Finally, the use of data, integrity of the data, and reliability of the data for decision-making will also emerge during the process review.

In this client situation, we started by sharing best practices among production facilities. One production site had a more advanced use of planning functionality, and so we worked with the second priority site to set up the appropriate system settings, update data, and roll out upgraded planning processes. This use of SAP in conjunction with upgraded planning processes and coordination with Sales and Operations propelled service levels to jump from low 60%’s into the 80%’s within a few months. Next, there was additional SAP functionality that could upgrade the planning process across both sites, and so we worked with SAP experts to test and roll out additional SAP functionality to further automate what made sense. This resulted in a solid production plan.

From a replenishment standpoint, it started with a solid production plan. Beyond a solid production plan, the replenishment process to supply the distribution centers with the appropriate product to satisfy customers required a directionally correct forecast. The forecast was the trigger to supply the distribution centers. Thus, we worked to better utilize the advanced planning module of SAP to whatever degree feasible on an accelerated timeline in addition to upgrading the business process for reviewing the demand plan with the Sales Team. This step was incorporated into the monthly SIOP (Sales Inventory Operations Planning) process to gain executive alignment and to ensure the forecasts passed the smell test.

In addition, we reviewed the current replenishment process including the MRP and replenishment or transfer order settings. We performed inventory analysis to determine optimal settings for safety stock, minimum orders, etc., and rolled out process improvements in conjunction with SAP functionality. These process and ERP utilization improvements allowed us to improve our service levels greatly and rectify relationships with customers. As the process smoothed out, we started to look at ways to optimize inventory levels while maintaining higher levels of service.

Results with Better Utilization of ERP

Results followed the rollout of improved utilization of SAP in combination with process upgrades and associated education. Most importantly, service levels improved from around 40% to the 90%’s. Lead times were also shortened in a critical site that produced a core product line. This made a dramatic impact on customers’ perception and and turned unhappy customers into customers looking for opportunities to expand business with our client.

In addition, the critical site increased output and capacity as manufacturing got in front of what was needed to support customer requirements. Manufacturing efficiencies improved as the production schedule transitioned from reactive to proactive.

From a replenishment standpoint, as upgraded replenishment planning was rolled out, service levels improved. And, as MRP settings were updated with optimized variables, inventory levels were reduced without impacting service levels negatively.

Finally, as the process and system upgrades were rolled out, the team was educated and gained confidence with their core tasks. Additionally, as processes were automated, the team could spend more time on exceptions and less time performing mundane tasks. This freed up time for additional improvements to grow revenue and profitability.

The Bottom Line

Pay attention to your business processes in conjunction with your use of ERP. The better you utilize ERP in a smart way to accomplish your goals, the more focus will go to exceptions, bottlenecks, and additional process and technological upgrades. If you are interested in talking about how to better utilize your ERP system to drive superior customer service, customer growth, profitability and cash flow, contact us.

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Better Utilize Your ERP System

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Automate, Digitize, and Thrive in the Supply Chain Thu, 04 Jan 2024 19:45:42 +0000 The world has never experienced a labor shortage quite like the one we are experiencing. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment growth will average .3 over the next decade; however, labor participation will drop from 62.2% to 60.4%.

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As the labor market tightens with changing demographics, companies will need to leverage technology and digitize their supply chains.

The world has never experienced a labor shortage quite like the one we are experiencing. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment growth will average .3 over the next decade; however, labor participation will drop from 62.2% to 60.4%. In essence, we have entered a secular labor shortage. Similarly, according to the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, half of German companies are struggling to fill vacancies due to labor shortages. Thus, the only companies that will thrive in the next decade will leverage technology and digitize the supply chain.

The use of technology and automation will be of paramount importance to not just supplement the labor force, but also to meet ever increasing customer requirements and provide visibility across the end-to-end supply chain. Companies must be faster, focused, and perform with lights-out manufacturing and logistics to succeed. Thus, a modern ERP system will be an assumption, not a differentiator. In addition, companies must pursue advanced technologies such as business intelligence and predictive analytics to forecast the future and determine where to focus, artificial intelligence, and IoT solutions to support items such as predictive maintenance, and digital twins to optimize process and product performance.

Pertinent Examples

An electrical power solutions manufacturer struggled with an ERP system upgrade, and it impacted every aspect of the business, requiring additional resources to support customer requirements. A base ERP system is no longer acceptable. Instead, a modern ERP system that supports customer expectations such as configure-to-order (CTO), customer relationship management (CRM), and customer-related functionality — including customer portals, order fulfillment visibility and backlog management — is essential.

Since the ERP team didn’t have the time required to fully prepare, the executives quickly supplemented with additional consulting and temporary resources, developed interim solutions for tracking backlog, and ordered ahead to support the transition. Even with one of the best management teams in the industry, until modern ERP functionality was available, they had to implement several stop-gap measures to avoid significant customer impact.

An industrial manufacturer struggled to forecast revenue accurately one month ahead, causing frustration with their board of directors. An assessment of their business processes and use of technology showed that their sales and order entry systems did not talk with their production and inventory control systems. Although Sales could estimate revenue, Operations had no idea which products would be required to support that revenue until Engineering completed design. Thus, although performing above expectations, the two rarely met.

To turn this situation around, we had to build a bridge between the two systems with a data model. However, that alone wouldn’t resolve the issue, as the product details were not known soon enough to ensure seamless delivery and revenue predictability. Thus, in addition, the team created a digital-twin-type capability to predict the product grouping and model information with a SIOP (sales inventory operations planning) process so that materials could be purchased and capacity planned. Once this information was built into automated dashboards, Production was able to transition from reactive to proactive, thereby creating predictability in shipping plans and taking it a step further with proactive margin enhancement strategies.

An aerospace manufacturer continually struggled with on-time delivery, and customers were losing patience. The issue was a bottlenecked area of the manufacturing process that simply could not keep up. They could not find enough high-skilled resources to run the machinery on second and third shifts, and overtime was maxed out. The team pursued an alternate strategy to employ a technological solution to run lights out around the clock.

They purchased a robot and focused their most advanced resources on modifying the robot to work in their manufacturing environment. With the upgraded robot, their high-skilled resources refocused attention on setting up the machinery during day shift, which allowed the robot to perform the repetitive tasks on second and third shift. Order delivery performance improved rapidly, and customer complaints disappeared as the bottleneck was removed. Later, they focused on upgrading their distribution processes with lights-out capabilities as well to further differentiate performance.

Forward-thinking companies will pursue smart technology upgrades while their competition focuses on containing cost. The companies that figure out how to do more with less and digitize their supply chain will thrive while the rest struggle. Resources will no longer be plentiful, and so pivoting with technology will be the only route to executing successfully while meeting ever increasing customer expectations.

Originally published in Adhesives & Sealants Industry.

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Best Production Planning Software – SelectHub Sat, 23 Dec 2023 08:04:02 +0000 Production planning software is a manufacturing solution that helps you plan for and supervise essential workflows in the production process. Lisa Anderson gives her tips on what you should look for.

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Lisa Anderson was quoted in a SelectHub article recently on the best production planning software for the manufacturing industry in 2023. She says a wishlist of key features for your facility is key.


Best Production Planning Software

Production planning software is a manufacturing solution that helps you plan for and supervise essential workflows in the production process.

Our analysts compiled a detailed list of the best production planning software with the top benefits, features and limitations. We’ll also discuss top benefits, must-have features and the best way to choose the right manufacturing planning software for your business.

Key Features

When you shop for new solutions, you must have a wishlist of features needed for your facility.

Lisa Anderson, founder and president of LMA Consulting Group Inc., discussed sequencing similar items during production as an essential capability.

“If you think about it in terms of colors or flavors, you would want to run all the dark flavors together. You would want to not run them before you go to a light flavor. So basically, the ability to tie together like items in a production run, and know how much time you’ll need for that category of items.”

Anderson also elaborated on the importance of what-if scenario planning.

“You want to be able to see, ‘Well, what if I have a second shift? How can I rearrange my production plan? Can I find a more efficient way to do it where I can minimize waste or maximize efficiencies? What if I have this situation or that situation?’”

Here’s a helpful list of the best production planning software features to consider when browsing vendors and resellers.


To read the full article, click here.

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Lisa Anderson, Manufacturing & Supply Chain Consultant Underscores the Rising Importance of ERP Strategy Fri, 29 Sep 2023 21:40:44 +0000 Lisa Anderson underscores the pivotal role of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems in modern business strategy. LMA Consulting Group specializes in supporting manufacturers and distributors in strategic planning and comprehensive supply chain transformations, focusing on enhancing the customer experience and facilitating robust business growth.

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CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA – September 29, 2023 –  Manufacturing and Supply Chain Consultant Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, known as the Strongest Link in Your Supply Chain® and President of LMA Consulting Group Inc.,  underscores the pivotal role of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems in modern business strategy. LMA Consulting Group specializes in supporting manufacturers and distributors in strategic planning and comprehensive supply chain transformations, focusing on enhancing the customer experience and facilitating robust business growth.

In a rapidly evolving digital age, the emphasis on ERP systems has never been more pronounced. More than just supportive tools, these systems are integral for sustaining profitability and addressing evolving customer needs. “Modern ERP systems are no longer just about transactional processes. They are now pivotal in meeting customer requirements, supporting automation and integrating other essential technologies like AI, IoT, CRM and e-commerce. The real question today is not just about possessing an ERP system but ensuring it aligns seamlessly with business aspirations and customer expectations,” stated Ms. Anderson.

Given the hefty investment ERP systems often represent, their implementation requires meticulous planning and strategic alignment. “A roadmap is essential for achieving desired outcomes. I’ve seen instances where the urgency led to ERP implementation without data migration causing elongated post-implementation recovery phases, resulting in lost customers and revenue,” she added.

A strategic evaluation, coupled with a thorough ERP assessment, can guide businesses in identifying core business requirements, discerning profit-driving factors and ensuring that their ERP system aligns with their overarching goals. With the complexities of ERP solutions, where each provider is touting unique features, seeking external expertise provides an unbiased perspective, allowing businesses to navigate the complexities with clarity and confidence. 

For deeper insights into navigating the complex landscape of ERP and global supply chains, download Ms. Anderson’s special report The Road Ahead: Business, Supply Chain & The World Order. Additionally, her resource SIOP (Sales Inventory Operations Planning): Creating Predictable Revenue and EBITDA Growth offers invaluable strategies for organizations. Download it at LMA website,  Amazon and Apple.

About LMA Consulting Group – Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD

Lisa Anderson is the founder and president of LMA Consulting Group, Inc., specializing in manufacturing strategy and end-to-end supply chain transformation.  Ms. Anderson is a recognized Supply Chain thought leader by SelectHub, named a Top 40 B2B Tech Influencer by arketi group, a Top 16 ERP Expert to Follow by Washington-Frank, in the Top 10 Women in Supply Chain by Warner PR, in the top 55 Supply Chain & Logistics Experts by flexport, and a woman leader in Supply Chain by RateLinx. She has been interviewed by Fox News and published the ebook, Future-Proofing Manufacturing & the Supply Chain Post COVID-19, Her primer, I’ve Been Thinking, provides strategies for creating bold customer promises and profits. An expert on the SIOP process (Sales, Inventory Operations Planning), advancing innovation, and making the supply chain resilient, Ms. Anderson is regularly interviewed and quoted by publications such as Industry Week, Bloomberg, and The Wall Street Journal. For information, sign up for her Profit Through People® Newsletter or for a copy of her book, visit                 



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Better Utilize Your ERP System (3 Strategies for CEOs) Mon, 14 Aug 2023 14:52:18 +0000 Executives are struggling to keep up with inflationary raw material prices, elevated customer requirements, margin pressures, and the lack of people to fulfill key roles. Thus, they are looking to their ERP system and related supply chain technologies for answers.

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Better Utilize Your ERP System

Executives are struggling to keep up with inflationary raw material prices, elevated customer requirements, margin pressures, and the lack of people to fulfill key roles. Thus, they are looking to their ERP system and related supply chain technologies for answers. Given the lack of talent and the cost prohibitive nature of an ERP upgrade, CEOs are choosing to search for alternatives to support profitable growth. Thus, simply better utilizing your ERP system is quite attractive as it will turn an already-existing underutilized asset into a strategic advantage in the marketplace, supporting profitable growth. 

Implement Critical Costing Strategies

Many clients get overzealous and want to track costs to the nth degree of detail, yet these great intentions do not result in progress; instead, CEOs become frustrated as they get overwhelmed in data with no visible progress. On the other hand, our best clients do not strive for perfection; instead, they focus on directionally correct strategies to estimate labor, track material costs, and determine what is material (germane) to their business. They prioritize quality over volume.

Smart Cost Reduction Strategies

Once you know your costs, you can decide what to prioritize that will have the largest impact on the business. For example, prior to jumping into the supply chain consulting role, I was a VP of Operations and Supply Chain for a mid-market manufacturer. There was constant pressure from the Board of Directors to reduce costs, specifically labor costs. However, our assessment showed that material costs were number one (by a wide margin), freight costs were number two, and labor costs was further down the list. Thus, it was a constant battle, yet we remained focused on material costs.

We implemented advanced processes for tracking material usage and scrap in the ERP system instead of focusing attention on detailed labor tracking as that would have been like chasing pennies. A 5% reduction in material scrap had a 3 to 1 advantage over a 5% reduction in labor costs. Similarly, it made sense to work with logistics partners and technology providers to implement systems such as TMS (transportation management system) to consolidate multi-stop truck loads and optimize transportation lanes to minimize freight costs and ensure high service levels.

Analyze Customer & Product Profitability

Costing will support additional analysis that will prove critical to decision making. Our best clients focus on using the data from their ERP system to develop customer and product profitability analysis. Evaluating these trends can provide direction on where to focus on sales, which costs to attack that will have the largest impact on margins, and pricing decisions on key programs or in low margin products and/or services.

Using Customer and Product Profitability to Make Strategic Decisions

In an industrial manufacturing client, after implementing a SIOP (Sales Inventory Operations Planning) process, we could analyze product groupings and work centers for an engineer-to-order production process. We pulled data from their ERP, CRM (customer relationship management), and CPQ (configuration and quoting system) systems, consolidated, and analyzed the data, created business dashboards, and put it into a visual format. Their executive team could see demand and supply impacts.

Thus, we could see a capacity bottleneck in the large size of a particular line of products nine months down-the-line. Because we had capacity limitations in the facility, we evaluated offload options to supplement capacity. However, because the client had unique capabilities and the product required large storage capabilities, there was no profitable, short-term solution. Thus, the Sales team could evaluate customer profitability to set pricing and extend lead times while the Operations group worked on a long-term plan to support growth plans.

Improve Operational Performance with Production Scheduling

In concert with costing and analyzing customer and product profitability as part of a SIOP process, the next logical step is to execute seamlessly, delivering bottom line results. There are many opportunities to roll out additional ERP functionality to increase output, improve efficiencies, reduce waste, increase customer service levels, and accelerate cash flow.

For example, when consulting with a building products manufacturer, they wanted to increase output and improve customer service while keeping costs under control. Although they knew what orders were required, customers constantly pushed orders in or out, and there were multiple process steps on the shop floor, resulting in chaos and confusion on the production floor. We worked with the planners to roll out a production schedule to get ahead of these changing conditions, sequencing items optimally for production efficiencies and minimizing the raw material inventory required on hand. 

The Bottom Line

Instead of following the latest fad and investing significant funds into additional systems, there are vast opportunities to better utilize your ERP system, assuming it is a modern ERP system. Explore functionality to deliver a superior customer experience, enhance your employees’ efficiency and engagement, and to automate repetitive processes. Bottom line results will follow.

Please contact us with your stories, issues, and ideas on better utilizing ERP and related technologies. And, please keep us in the loop of your situation and how we can help your organization upgrade your processes with ERP system functionality.

P.S. To get ahead of the curve on where to focus for the best results and how to utilize ERP and related technologies, download our complimentary report, and The Road Ahead: Business, Supply Chain & the World Order.

The post Better Utilize Your ERP System (3 Strategies for CEOs) appeared first on LMA-Consulting Group, a supply chain consulting firm.

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