
inflationary pressures

Disruptions, War, Inflation. 83% Reshoring/ Nearshoring

According to Thomas, 83% of manufacturers are likely or extremely likely to reshore vs. 54% in 2020. What an increase! Apparently, companies have figured out that there is significant risk in the extended supply chain. Companies have experienced extended lead times, shortages, and significant disruption. The ones that want [...]

More Inflation & Supply Chain Chaos – What Should We Do?

Inflation rose to 7.9% in February and continues to soar! Russia invaded Ukraine and trade has been halted. Oil and gas prices will continue to rise and seem to have no end in sight with some saying it will get to $200 a barrel.

Global Manufacturers Struggle to Keep Up with Demand – Are You?

Factories across the globe are showing signs of strain in keeping up with demand.  China, Germany, France, Canada, the UK and the US all show that capacity might not be keeping up with supply.

Inflation or Deflation? ……….Why Does it Matter?

Most economists and media are concerned about inflation. For example, a new McKinsey & Co study offers up inflation as a fresh concern. And the media talks quite a lot about the printing of money in Washington – and how that could easily lead to inflation. In my opinion, [...]

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