
supply chain risk

Are Americans Willing to Pay More for Products Made in the U.S.A.?

According to a survey by FTI Consulting, 78% of survey respondents said they'd be willing to pay more for the products if the company that made them moved production out of China. Certainly, it depends on how much more, but we've seen a transition in the commentary of the value of reshoring. [...]

Why the Supply Chain is Strategic & the Backlog of Ships at the Ports

Everyone is talking about the backlog of ships at the ports and when it will be resolved, but is that the right question? NO! Of course we will eventually resolve the current backlog; however, there are continual disruptions in the extended supply chain, and so who knows what disruption will be next. [...]

SAP Insights: For Resilient Supply Chains, Think Local

Procter & Gamble, the maker of Charmin toilet paper, was prepared for thousands of scenarios – including earthquakes, fires, and cybersecurity attacks – but not for a disruption greater in magnitude than all three combined: a global pandemic. As COVID-19 spread throughout the United States in March, panicked shoppers snapped up [...]

Compass Magazine: Agility in a Crisis

“In the new reality brought by COVID-19, executives will be more concerned about risk and how to be prepared for rapidly changing customer conditions,” said Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert, Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc.
2023-09-19T22:52:18-07:00November 16, 2020|Categories: In The News, Manufacturing, Supply Chain|Tags: , , , |

The Loss of the Claremont Club & What We Should Take Away

August 10, 2020 Unfortunately, I am quite saddened that the Claremont Club has decided to close its doors forever. It went from a success story written up by CBS News to a sad story upsetting most of its 10,000 members and residents. I was proud to be associated with [...]

2023-10-04T18:46:34-07:00August 12, 2020|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: |

Doing Business with China – Lisa Anderson, LMA & John Tulac JD

Beware of New Data Law in China & Its Impacts

January 31, 2020 According to the Epoch Times and International Business Attorney, John Tulac, China's new cybersecurity law poses a big risk for anyone doing business in China. In essence, if you send data to or from China, your data can be audited at any time. It certainly [...]

Hurricane Dorian & Your Supply Chain

Hurricane Dorian is certainly taking over the news as it threatens devastation. Mitigate Hurricane Dorian's impact with a resilient supply chain strategy. Ensure business continuity and agility.

Supply Chain: Keeping an Eye on Global Markets

If there ever was a strategic topic of critical importance no matter your position in the supply chain, it is keeping an eye on global markets.  Are you making this a priority?
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