
business consulting

Walk with Confidence

Take notice of the impact your nonverbal presence has on those around you to improve your connection with people. I've noticed lately that walking and speaking with confidence can go a long way! Did you know that 93% of your impact comes through nonverbal channels? Perhaps it's best to [...]

Your Presence

How we look, communicate and relate to people makes a statement about us that may have lasting results. Always start off on the right foot. I've discovered that as much as content and results are king, presence matters. First impressions can be paramount. Don't despair if you "missed your [...]

2023-09-19T13:07:29-07:00February 14, 2014|Categories: Business & the Economy|Tags: , |

Turning Data Into Dollars

Extract the right data at the right time in a meaningful format for decision-making. Almost every company I work with seems to get caught up in the bells and whistles of their new or upgraded software; however, when push comes to shove, the bells and whistles mean nothing if [...]

The Skills Gap Issue is Growing

With an increasingly complex business environment, businesses need to know how to resolve skill gaps in their workplace The skills gap is a rapidly growing issue for manufacturers and distributors. Almost every day that I go into a client, go to a trade association meeting or talk with colleagues, [...]

What Does it Take to Have a Real Team?

Build successful teams that are cohesive and self-improving. It's rare for significant results to be achieved by individuals in today's economy; teams have substantially greater success. What do good ones have in common? One clear purpose - Typically, a team has one purpose since it's formed specifically for that [...]

Pay it Forward: What’s Good for the Industry Is Good for Business

Listen here to my recent interview on OC Talk Radio – Critical Mass for Business. I often get asked where I find the time to write so many articles, present at industry meetings, and post noteworthy items on social media. I really am passionate about what I do, but [...]

Why Become the Strongest Link in Your Supply Chain?

Being known as the strongest link in your supply chain is the key to success. In today's new normal business environment where sales are no longer easy, talent is in short supply even amidst high unemployment levels, volatility is the new norm and customers want "more for less - [...]

Project Failure: How to Avoid Top Causes

Communication is vital to project management success. Are you looking for different methods to make certain your messages is getting across? Published in "ExecutiveBrief" website, April, 2013 So much of an organization’s success is tied to project success! Can you think of any significant organization initiative or improvement that [...]

Driving a Winning Culture

How do you and your organization develop or maintain a winning culture? In my 20 years of experience in working with multiple companies across multiple industries and globally, there is a lot of talk about culture; however, little to no impact - bottom line results. On the other hand, [...]

Lessons Learned: ERP Failure

How effective is your ERP selection and implementation process? Published in "The ACA Group" website, November, 2011 ERP system implementations fell off the grid during the recession; however, I've seen resurgence in the last year. Companies are thinking about investing again. However, although businesses are picking up, they are [...]

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