
supply chain management

Customer Collaboration on Orders = RESULTS

Working in partnership with your customers delivers winning results on both ends. Customer collaboration has become cornerstone to success in today’s supply chain driven world. We are all part of a supply chain, and so we must look for ways to thrive within our supply chains. Undoubtedly, those who [...]

Leaders Must Be Strong!

Published January 9, 2015 I started writing this about supply chain strategy, and I might go back to that topic next week as I was preparing to teach an APICS CSCP (certified supply chain professional) class tomorrow; however, I was diverted on a conference call that compelled me to [...]

It Begins and Ends with Leadership

Employees trust and follow proven leaders — those that motivate, communicate, and know what they’re talking about. As a tribute to my HR mentor who recently retired after a long and successful career in organizational development and HR (congrats Debra), I have to tip my hat (if I wore [...]

How to Select Priorities

You’re in danger of spinning your wheels aimlessly by having too many priorities. Focus on the priorities that truly impact your business and are aligned with your strategy. I've yet to meet a client that didn't have FAR too many priorities for what could be achieved successfully. Instead of [...]

Essential Skills of the Supply Chain Superhero

Surviving and flourishing in today’s business environment increasingly demands more of the supply chain professional, including excelling at soft and technical skills. According to a 2013 Gallup poll, 70% of U.S. workers are not engaged. What a startling statistic! Through observation of clients, trade association members, and colleagues, I'd [...]

Selecting the Right ERP System

For a better return on your investment select the ERP system based on which is most compatible with your business processes vs. technical prowess. ERP systems are not of much value by themselves; however, if you leverage the appropriate functionality to support your business, it can pay back rapidly [...]

Collaboration Platform

Collaboration along the supply chain injects a steady flow of new ideas and solutions — key drivers in the quest for bottom line results. At the APICS 2014 International Conference, one of the keynote speakers was a futurist. He talked about the importance of a collaborative platform. I say [...]

The Value of Simplification and Business Results

Published November 21, 2014 I just left an executive SIOP (sales, inventory & operations planning) meeting with a client. We are rejuvenating the process to gain alignment and to spur a rapid improvement in on-time delivery (which will be followed by a reduction in lead times). I've been working [...]

A Planning Mindset

Planning is essential for business management, but by really embracing it and getting into a planning mindset you can figure out innovative, improved strategies across all segments of your company. Developing a planning mindset can be invaluable to not only planners but also to any supply chain management employee/ [...]

The Manufacturing Connector – Eagle Eye

It’s easy to lose track of priorities with so many competing distractions in the supply chain business, but a vigilant and observant team will spot the essential priorities and get down to the business of achieving results. When I talk about The Manufacturing Connector(SM), I am referring to the [...]

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