
Skills Gap

Job Gains & Market Surges

When it comes to retaining your internal talent and your key supply chain partners, it is not terribly complex.  Think about how you would like to be treated and what would attract you to want to work for or with your company.  

Manufacturers Upbeat But Worry About Skills Gap

March 14, 2017 According to Industry Week, the Fed's survey of the economy expressed optimism; however, it also noted that labor markets are tightening.  Since I'm also embarking on refrehsing my 2013 Skills Gap research report, thus far, I've noted the same concerns for high-skilled positions. I hear far [...]

Deloitte Survey Says Talent Gap Jeopardizes Success

February 20, 2017 According to the 2017 Deloitte Global CPO Survey, 85% of those surveyed felt that talent was the largest factor in driving procurement performance yet 60% think they have a skills gap to deliver on their procurement objectives.  My clients are experiencing this same phenomenon, no matter the [...]

Manufacturing Expands at Fastest Rate Since 2010

February 14, 2017 According to the Institute for Supply Management's Manufacturing Purchasing Managers' Index, manufacturing is on an upswing.  The composite index rose in January, making it the fifth straight monthly expansion.  New orders and production grew strongly!  And the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank reported that manufacturing activity expanded [...]

Filling Worker Skills Gap Remains a Hot Topic

Worker skill gaps continue to impact manufacturers and distributors productivity and profitability who don’t make an investment in their human capital In the past week, I’ve had the opportunity to hear the leading experts in manufacturing, distribution and logistics. There were a few common threads among EVERY expert yet [...]

What is Hot in Supply Chain?

Changes in supply chain strategy and operations cannot be overlooked and we need to stay aware and forward-looking to remain competitive. It has been a week of supply chain immersion.  We were knee deep in supply chain trends at MCIE's manufacturers' summit, the Supply Chain Summit and the APICS-IE [...]

What will Motivate Your Team?

A motivated team can overcome some of the biggest business challenges a company can face.presentation in meeting room. According to my Skills Gap research, executive recruiters and HR experts, it is more challenging now than it has been in quite a long time to find and retain top talent.  [...]

New Tools for Sizing Up The Skills Gap

Published in "Association for Manufacturing Excellence", Vol 30, No 4, Winter Issue 2014. Drive a buzz about manufacturing by making these changes within your company. In doing so, your employees become your cheerleaders Eighty-seven percent of manufacturers and distributors are experiencing a skills gap, according to a skills gap [...]

2023-09-15T18:57:04-07:00March 25, 2015|Categories: Talent & Leadership, Talent / Skills Gap|Tags: |

Retaining your Best & Brightest is Key to a Successful Succession Plan

Published in tED Magazine on December 2014 According to a survey performed by the LMA Consulting Group (lma-consultinggroup.com) in conjunction with the APICS Inland Empire Chapter (apics-ie.org), executives said that succession planning is tied as a No. 1 priority in retaining top talent. This is especially noteworthy when considering [...]

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