

State of Supply Chain

The successful companies will not only strive to be the strongest link in your supply chain, but they will ensure that the weakest link doesn't send their customers to the competition. You have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to secure your position as a market leader and thrive for years to come, if you choose to take advantage of the opportunity and start to act NOW.

Here’s to a Happy, Successful & Productive 2022

Happy New Year! First, let's start with a BIG THANK YOU to our clients, colleagues, partners, family and friends for a fabulous 2021. VERY hard to believe it is 2022. Here's to COVID phasing out quickly so we can get back to a more typical daily life. It is a time of hope and optimism for new opportunities in 2022. Are you ready to accelerate business and personal growth?
2023-09-19T19:49:38-07:00January 1, 2022|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: , |

The Massive Congestion at the SoCal Ports & Implications

There is massive congestion at the L.A. and Long Beach ports. The latest figures from the Journal of Commerce shows 63 container ships in the harbor (34 awaiting berths and 29 at the berths). Terminals are full and dwell times have doubled. The situation isn't good, and manufacturers, distributors [...]

Interlinks: The Supply Chain and Innovation

Listen to Lisa Anderson being interviewed on ALBA Consulting's Interlinks.

Would You Like To Add An Extra Hour Every Day?

Business productivity relies on employee time-management. Invest a little time upfront for a bigger productivity payoff in the long run. According to a sampling of business executives and managers, organization/ time management is emerging as one of the most critical issues in the workplace. As organizations struggle to achieve [...]

2023-09-16T14:50:50-07:00May 3, 2013|Categories: General|Tags: , |

Sustainability – who knew that it’s common sense?

Liken sustainability to reducing waste, which in turn respects the environment and makes business financial sense. Sustainability is gaining traction in today’s cutting edge discussions. Whenever a topic pops up in multiple places suddenly, I take notice. I’ve read multiple articles in trade publications and magazines, attended a keynote [...]

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