
supply chain

Why Care About Supply Chain Risk?

Businesses face many hurdles—some we can control and others we cannot. How we manage risk is what determines our success. As this topic came up frequently at the APICS 2013 conference and has affected almost every one of my clients in the last year in some manner, I thought [...]

The Critical Importance of Design

Never underestimate the importance of design when upgrading or implementing supply chain systems. I find that design is often undervalued. We seem to blindly follow systems and business processes yet don't take the time to think through design. Purchasing and maintaining an ERP system is considered a big-ticket item [...]

What Manufacturers Need to Do About Data Recovery After a Disaster

Published in ThomasNet News on Sept. 17, 2013 Consultant Lisa Anderson of LMA Consulting Group in Claremont, Calif., urged manufacturers to make sure that nightly backups are completed. “Having a second location to store or perform the nightly backup is preferred,” she added. “For example, if you have facilities [...]

Risk – Take it or Leave it?

In today’s new normal business, prudent risk-taking can pay off greatly for your company. Risks abound in today’s market! Products are stolen during transit. Natural disasters occur. Political conflicts arise. Ports go on strike. Securing information is no longer easy – or inexpensive. Customers go out of business. Investments [...]

2023-09-17T08:58:49-07:00September 5, 2013|Categories: Business & the Economy|Tags: , , |

Critical Mass Radio Show: Interview on Manufacturing & Supply Chain

In this radio talk show interview, Lisa Anderson talks about what is important to manufacturing and supply chain, how best practices can add value regardless of size and shares tips, ideas and strategies for manufacturing success. Use controls below to listen. Download MP3 16.7MB

2023-09-10T22:24:20-07:00August 6, 2013|Categories: Manufacturing, Podcasts, Supply Chain, Videos & Podcasts|Tags: , |

Why Become the Strongest Link in Your Supply Chain?

Being known as the strongest link in your supply chain is the key to success. In today's new normal business environment where sales are no longer easy, talent is in short supply even amidst high unemployment levels, volatility is the new norm and customers want "more for less - [...]

Transportation Trends: Avoid Weak Links in Your Supply Chain

Stay on top of the latest transportation trends to avoid weak links in your supply chain. Five Transportation Trends I’ve recently spoken at and participated in a few transportation industry events, and was reminded of the importance of transportation trends to the supply chain, so I thought a recap [...]

The New Normal Business Environment

In today's new normal business environment which is characterized by volatility, lackluster sales, customers wanting “more for less – and NOW” and a talent shortage admist high unemployment levels, companies are turning to the supply chain to deliver RESULTS. Our view of the supply chain is from our [...]

2023-09-15T10:21:26-07:00June 26, 2013|Categories: Supply Chain, Supply Chain Management|Tags: |

Transportation Trends

I've recently spoken and participated with a few transportation industry events and was reminded of its importance to the supply chain, and so I thought a recap of trends was in order: The importance of systems - As supply chains become more complex, leveraging systems becomes more important to [...]

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