
better utilize ERP

Are You Leveraging ERP Fully?

80% of our clients only utilize 20% of their ERP system, and they are not alone.  So, if this is common across typical companies, why do so many of them call to throw out their current system and find one that will resolve their challenges?  It's a good question!   
2024-01-31T17:56:22-08:00December 6, 2017|Categories: ERP & Related Technologies, ERP & Technology|Tags: , |

Maybe Our Old System is Just Fine

We cannot tell you how many clients call thinking they need a new system to support their business when it isn't true!  Certainly there is a time to upgrade to a new system - when you've outgrown your old one (often-times QuickBooks with add-on's like Fishbowl), your old system is highly customized and unsustainable or you are in the midst of a merger or acquisition.

Case Study in the Power of Design

Taking a big picture view while simultaneously eyeing execution when implementing an ERP system will help companies not only achieve desired results, but do it quickly. Situation:  Our client had implemented an ERP system several years ago. As is typical when a system is implemented, they implemented the basics [...]

Why ERP Success Has Little to Do with Systems

ERP success depends on the quality and understanding of the people involved, from suppliers to team members. After partnering with dozens of clients to help them select the “right” system that best fits their business requirements and partnering with many more to design the “right” processes in conjunction with [...]

Interested in Growth? Beef Up Systems & Project Management

If business is booming make sure your project management leadership has systems in place to support growth. Published in "Project Times" website, September 18, 2015 Click here for original article. Companies are in growth. Every single client is growing – many quite dramatically while others a bit slower, yet [...]

Systems Strategies to Kick Off the New Year

Kick start your new year with business strategies that are more focused, faster and improve overall relationships. The 5P Accelerator is a new way to take a critical step toward success. Since I work with clients ranging in size from small, family-owned businesses to multi-billion dollar corporations, industries ranging [...]

What’s Hot in Driving HUGE Results in Manufacturing & Distribution

You can’t take a magic pill to drive HUGE results in your manufacturing or distribution company, but rather look to the tried and true methods that drive business growth and productivity. As the year winds down, it seems like a great time to "take stock" - what is "hot"? [...]

Leverage Supply Chain Trends for Success

The ability to see supply chain trends and capitalize on them can set you apart from competitors, no matter the size of your company. As the year winds down, it seems an opportune time to discuss supply chain management trends. I find that those clients that pay attention to [...]

The Critical Importance of Design

Never underestimate the importance of design when upgrading or implementing supply chain systems. I find that design is often undervalued. We seem to blindly follow systems and business processes yet don't take the time to think through design. Purchasing and maintaining an ERP system is considered a big-ticket item [...]

Leverage Your ERP System for Bottom Line Business Results

In my conversations and discussions with clients, bankers, CPA's and business contacts, I have a different picture than is presented in the news and is implied in recent stock market performance. In my view, there is a stabilization; however, this "new normal" business environment is one characterized by lower [...]

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