
continuous improvement

The Importance of Continual Learning

Recently, we updated our website, and that prompted a lot of thinking about many aspects of business.  One is the importance of continual learning.  As you'll see on our Continual Learning webpage, it is a priority.  With that said, I've noticed that the most successful people (clients, colleagues, fellow [...]

2024-02-16T21:39:32-08:00August 28, 2018|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: , |

Strategies to Reduce Operational Cost without Capital Investment

Focus on operational cost reduction strategies to continue growing efficiently while also giving yourself pricing wiggle room.

Lean: Uncommon Common Sense

Lean benefits are not found in a three-day workshop, but rather arise and are sustained through culture change. I have always been a process consultant, typically focusing on those processes which are the most relevant to making rapid improvement with the specific manufacturer or distributor I am partnering with. [...]

Commodity Businesses, Throw Out Continuous Improvement!

I was asked to give a speech in January of 2008 on trends and opportunities of 2008. While researching for the speech, I reviewed the last several months of Wall Street Journal alerts and other trends, and the overall story was downright scary - oil continues to push to [...]

2023-09-11T09:27:51-07:00April 25, 2013|Categories: Manufacturing, Process Improvement|Tags: , |

Tips to Reduce Operational Costs

In today's economy, there is no doubt a large focus on reducing operational costs (whether they are the traditional operational costs of a business or the day-to-day personal operational costs). Reducing operational costs reduces your breakeven point - definitely a key to success in today's economy: Reduce waste - [...]

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