SAC: Successful Companies Look Beyond Year End to A Profitable 2023
Sandy Shattles – Business Manager (Inside & Outside Sales), Insulation Group, Armacell LLC
Taking Control of Customer Success Using SIOP (S&OP)
Creating Customer Advocates During Supply Chain Disruption
SAC: Creating Customer Advocates During Supply Chain Disruption Pac Rim/N.A. Perspectives
SAC: Feed Their Needs: Put Customers First for Rapid Growth Next Year
A Fractured Tooth & The Power of the Customer Experience
Well, no doubt about it, when it rains, it pours. I had a tooth ache that lasted about a week, and so I called my dentist. They took an X-ray, and it didn't really show anything; however, when looking with a microscope, they could see the fracture. We had [...]
What Should We Be Thinking About Supply Chain?
If it isn't already, your end-to-end supply chain must be part of your strategy discussions. I was recently featured at SAP's SAPPHIRE NOW Coverage global conference on supply chain since it is such a timely topic. Interest has been heightened as supply chain challenges intensify throughout the world. Minimally, we should [...]
SAC: Increased Customer Focus Will Help Business Thrive in 2021
CLAREMONT, CA— The current economic disruption is giving businesses big opportunities to take steps to redefine and renew the relationships and processes that customers value most, according to the Society for the Advancement of Consulting® (SAC). Businesses that tune into evolving customer needs will thrive the most in 2021. [...]