
Supply Chain Planning

Silicon Valley Bank’s Failure Kicked Off a Liquidity Crisis

Silicon Valley Bank's Failure kicked off panic in the financial markets and banking system. They had too much money tied up in long term bonds paying at low interest rates, and they didn't have the liquidity to keep up with the depositors requests to take money out of the [...]

Inventory Management: Go Back to the Basics for Success During Today’s Volatility

Volatility is the New Norm If there is one thing that is certain in today's world, it is that volatility and change are the new normal. VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) is top of mind for every client. For example, clients ask the following questions: What will happen next? [...]

Labor Scheduling: How to Maximize Operational Effectiveness While Servicing Your Customer

At its simplest, labor scheduling is determining which people (and which skills) you should have at which sites at which work centers at what time (shift) to ensure the right products can be delivered to the right customer at the right time.

Just-In-Time When Supply Chains Are Backlogged

The rising cost of transportation bottlenecks and service delays have left logistics managers with much to manage. Calculating the total cost of these issues is difficult when only addressing a predetermined price per transaction. Strategic partnerships between shippers and carriers can mitigate pain points and lead to a better customer experience. But, how can logistics partners improve the supply chain and reduce cost in today’s operating environment and create resilience in logistic operations?

Supply Chain Dive: Did the Pandemic Really Kill Just-in-Time? Experts Weigh In

Lisa Anderson was quoted in Supply Chain Dive on whether just-in-time (JIT) is sill relevant or has the world moved to just-in-case.

Quality Digest: LMA Consulting Sees Supply Chains Reshaping to Balance Inventory

Lisa Anderson's press release about the reshaping of supply chains was picked up by CSCMP. Rightsizing and balancing inventories is becoming essential to success especially with increasing interest rates.

Lisa Anderson, Manufacturing & SIOP Expert Sees Supply Chains Reshaping to Balance Inventories

Lisa Anderson sees inventory tightening as supply chains grapple with demand fluctuation, supplier challenges, stagflation and volatility in the economy. LMA Consulting Group works with manufacturers and distributors on strategy and end-to-end supply chain transformation to maximize the customer experience and enable profitable, scalable, dramatic business growth.

Right-size Inventory to Thrive During Inflationary & Recessionary Times

Inflation, Recession, Both? We are in unique times with inflationary pressures continuing while recessionary trends are emerging as well. In either instance, it is vital to right-size inventory. It will not change anytime soon. With interest rates rising rapidly, it will curb demand while increasing the cost of capital. [...]

NESCON: Managing Capacity in a Complex & Volatile Long-Lead Environment

Lisa Anderson facilitated a panel discussion at the New England Supply Chain Conference and Exposition on managing capacity in complex and volatile environments with Shari Ruelas General Manager of Commercial Products Chevron, Alejandro Bustamante Senior Advisor to CEO & Board of Directors of Poly/HP, and Dan Raatjes SVP & COO King's Hawaiian Holding Co.

Gaining a Logistics Edge with Inventory Management

Logistics costs have been staggering. According to the 33rd Annual State of Logistics report produced by the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals by the global consulting firm Kearney and presented by Penske Logistics, U.S. business logistics costs rose by 22.4% last year.
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