
Quality Digest

Quality Digest: LMA Consulting Sees Supply Chains Reshaping to Balance Inventory

Lisa Anderson's press release about the reshaping of supply chains was picked up by CSCMP. Rightsizing and balancing inventories is becoming essential to success especially with increasing interest rates.

Interview with Quality Digest on the Supply Chain Chaos

Who knew supply chain would become a common term throughout the world in early 2020? It certainly has gained a household name during the pandemic, and it continues to be of paramount importance as further supply chain disruptions occur.
2023-09-19T22:31:55-07:00March 21, 2022|Categories: I've Been Thinking, Supply Chain|Tags: , |

Is It Possible to Realign the Supply Chain?

Global supply-chain disruptions are rampant. Manufacturers and business owners now routinely deal with triple and quadruple lead times, widespread shortages, escalating prices, and transportation delays. Every link in the supply chain is out of alignment. Think of the imbalance as a sixth-grader on one end of a teeter-totter and a kindergartner on the other—only worse.

Quality Digest: Is It Possible to Realign the Supply Chain?

Companies that take control and realign their own supply chain, instead of waiting for the global supply chain to resolve itself, will pull away from the pack stated Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, President of LMA Consulting Group Inc.

Quality Digest: President of LMA Consulting Predicts Supply Chain Disruptions to Continue Beyond 2024

The supply chain disruption is real and will last for quite some time, says Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert Lisa Anderson, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc. Every supply chain is a complex set of connections that spans from the supplier’s suppliers to product or service accessibility for the end user.
2023-08-27T22:54:59-07:00November 17, 2021|Categories: Press Releases|Tags: , |
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