
demand planning

Creating Predictable Revenue with Demand Planning Best Practices

Predicting the Unpredictable Every client believes their demand cannot be predicted. After all, customers don't know what is going on in their end-to-end supply chain with the global supply chain chaos. Sales teams are optimistic and either forecast too much, hoping Operations will produce and store "just in case" [...]

Shortages Impacting Revenue & Forecasts

2021 was plagued with shortages. As discussed in clients’ demand planning/ forecasting meetings, history is not representative of the future. In one example, the client experienced material shortages and couldn’t sell what customers requested, and so carrying that forecast into the New Year would deliberately carry that issue into 2022.

Sales Forecasts are Rising Fast. Do You Have Capacity?

Clients are growing quickly. No matter the industry and company size, clients and colleagues are seeing growth. The only question is how quickly and whether they can keep up. Capacity constraints are popping up everywhere. On the logistics front, Southern California has no available space; the ports are backlogged, prices are rising [...]

Why the Supply Chain is Strategic & an Operations Warp Speed Example

If you aren't seeing the end-to-end supply chain as strategic, you will miss your opportunity to get ahead of the competition and grow as rapidly as you otherwise could! How quickly can you scale with increasing sales volume? [...]

Representing the U.S. at The World Manufacturing Forum

I had the pleasure of representing the United States in the World Manufacturing Forum in thesession “Back to the Future: Manufacturing Beyond COVID-19“. I talked about the fact that weare at a crossroads between efficiency/ costs and resiliency/ responsiveness, how to turn that orinto an [...]

The Future of Technology

Technology is a tricky topic. On one hand, almost everyone has put technology and ERP implementations on hold due to concerns about COVID impacts and to conserve cash. On the other hand, it is the best time to gain employees' attention and focus to upgrade technology to scale the business, create a superior customer experience and deliver bottom line results.

Why SIOP is Critical to Thriving During & Post COVID

COVID has disrupted every business. Some are growing far faster than supply can keep up while others have dropped like a rocket. Still others have almost identical dollar volume yet double the number of orders at half the order size, creating significant disruption in warehousing, shipping and transportation. [...]

Do You Know Your Demand for Your Custom Business?

Demand planning is critically important to inventory management success. Drive better inventory control, cash flow, and profitability
2024-02-16T18:53:20-08:00October 23, 2019|Categories: Demand Planning, Inner Circle, Supply Chain Planning|Tags: , , , |

Is there an ROI on a Forecasting System?

Since forecasting can deliver significant benefits with increased levels of service, inventory turnover and margin improvement, the question that inevitably arises is whether it makes sense to purchase a forecasting or demand planning system.
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