Have you Thought about Increasing Demand?
UGG Founder, the Amazon Effect in Healthcare & Why Demand is Key
The Value of Demand Planning
SIOP: How Far Should You Look into the Future?
Lean or No Lean, a Demand Plan is a MUST
Demand planning delivers such useful information on client demand that even Lean devotees will find data on longer-term forecasts, seasonal products and trending patterns useful. Whether you are on the Lean journey or not, you need a demand plan! Prior to forming LMA Consulting Group, I was a VP [...]
The SIOP Conveyor Belt Analogy
The ongoing planning and adjustments integral to the SIOP is like a conveyor belt carrying along current data and processes until they become history. SIOP (Sales, inventory, & operations planning) is a methodology of sorts that aligns demand with supply – and, more importantly, the various functions of the [...]
SIOP/ Integrated Business Planning
Manufacturing and distributing product to meet customer demand can be like a puzzle unless you start using SIOP as a core process to run your business. SIOP (sales, inventory, & operations planning) taken to the best practice degree is often associated with integrated business planning. In some circles, they [...]
Where Should I Start to Ensure Demand Planning Success?
It’s easy to feel lost when you have no direction from customers about their own sales projections. Get a clearer picture through demand planning. 80% of companies are not in front of their demand. How can you decide what to plan for if you don’t know where you are [...]
Demand Planning Best Practices
A reenergized demand plan is fortified with meaningful data trends that point the way to improved service levels and increased profit margins. Sales and operations planning, also known as S&OP or SIOP (to include inventory) processes are key to improving service levels, accelerating cash flow and increasing margins. Thus, [...]