Have You Heard Horror Stories about ERP?
Finalist for ERP Focus Writers’ Awards Best Independent Blog Shortlist
Lisa Anderson Named in Top 40 B2B Tech Influencers
The Impact of Supply Chain Strategy
Case Study in the Power of Design
Taking a big picture view while simultaneously eyeing execution when implementing an ERP system will help companies not only achieve desired results, but do it quickly. Situation: Our client had implemented an ERP system several years ago. As is typical when a system is implemented, they implemented the basics [...]
ERP Project Success: How to be Part of the 20%
More and more clients are pursuing ERP implementation projects as executives realize they need better tools to support business objectives – growth, service, margins, cash and the like. Published in "Project Times" website, July 18, 2016 Click here for original article. More and more clients are pursuing ERP implementation [...]
Agile or Traditional Project Management: Which is Better?
Published in "Project Times" website, August 16, 2016 Click here for original article. In project management circles, we hear a lot about agile. Agile is an iterative, incremental method of managing the design and build activities of engineering, systems, etc. Recently, I ran across a firm that didn't use [...]
Unscrambling a Challenged System Implementation
When faced with a challenging system implementation, take a step back and reassess instead of devoting more resources to a plan that may not work out. From time to time, we receive a call from a client dealing with a challenged ERP implementation. Unfortunately, "challenged" is a nice word [...]
Resurrecting a Struggling System Implementation
Take the necessary steps and dedicate resources to review processes and think more broadly about specific steps and functions before the purchase of a new ERP system. We received a call this week from another frustrated CEO who is struggling with a system implementation. What we hear frequently from [...]