
Supply Chain Management

Customer Communications

Customer communication is always a good idea; however, leveraging customer communications during the new normal business environment is vital to success. Pick up the phone - some of the largest successes I've seen result from simple yet critical conversations. It can be as simple as calling a customer to [...]

2023-09-11T11:15:40-07:00April 25, 2013|Categories: Business & the Economy, Customer Service, Supply Chain Management|

Emerging Supply Chain Trends

Stay on top of trends to stand out from the crowd. Those executives who stay on top of the latest trends and search for patterns and trends in their business are far more successful than their counterparts. In my 20+ years of experience across multiple industries and globally, I've [...]

2023-09-19T21:16:49-07:00April 24, 2013|Categories: Supply Chain|Tags: , , , , |

Supply Chain Strategy – Formula for Success

Succeeding in today's new normal business environment requires thinking about supply chain strategy differently than we did ten years ago. Supply chains have become more complex - and global. Managing risk is multifaceted. Yet supply chains are the bread and butter of business success as customer satisfaction is not [...]

2022-09-08T07:06:51-07:00April 24, 2013|Categories: Supply Chain|Tags: |

Customer Communication Strategies for Success

Expand customer communication strategies to continually explore partnership opportunities for win-win situations. Improving customer communication is always a good idea; however, making these communications a key focus area is pivotal in today’s new normal business environment. I am consistently hearing about top priorities of business growth and improving business [...]

2023-09-11T11:57:27-07:00March 13, 2013|Categories: Business & the Economy, Customer Service, Supply Chain Management|Tags: |

Supply Chain Fundamentals Accelerate Performance

I just finished speaking at 6 Packed Supply Chain Conference in Dallas, Texas, and it was obvious that supply chain fundamentals remain in style. I presented on two topics – “Best Practices of Inventory Management” and “Leveraging Social Networks to Improve Operations”. There was standing room only for “Best [...]

Get on Board the Social Media Train for Supply Chain Success

According to Supply Chain Management World, although social media is playing little role in supply chain strategies in the recent past, it will be of an increasing importance in 2013. Many see opportunities to leverage social media for customer feedback, product innovation and supply disruption. These are 3 vital [...]

2023-09-11T11:59:48-07:00January 3, 2013|Categories: Supply Chain|

Cutting through Red Tape in Government Procurement

Published in ThomasNet News on July 10, 2012 Lisa Anderson, founder and president of LMA Consulting Group, Inc. whose firm consults with businesses on strategic operations, supply chain, operations management and other disciplines, nevertheless cautions, "If your business isn't focused around a core competency that relates to government contracts, [...]

2023-09-11T12:22:24-07:00July 10, 2012|Categories: Supplier Management, Supply Chain Management|Tags: |
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