
business consulting

Hiring Talent in Uncertain Times Requires Innovative Thinking

CLAREMONT, Calif., February 1, 2023/ExpertClick/—Uncertain times and tight labor markets pushing companies to use innovative hiring approaches, according to The Society for the Advancement of Consulting® (SAC). The standard ways of hiring talent are no longer viable, so winning companies are getting creative about how they find the talent [...]

Events, Shocks, Trends and the Supply Chain

Shocks and events such as the war in Ukraine, the pandemic and Brexit, among other may feel like they have appeared out of nowhere, but these events are taking place within the context of overarching trends that are unmoved by these short-term shocks and events. This provides us with another perspective on how to react and devise successful supply chain strategies as we look to the future.

Are You Rethinking Your Supply Chain Strategy?

Should you be rethinking your supply chain strategy? Absolutely! There is so much volatility going on in the world that you must reevaluate your supply chain.

Case Study: Strategies to Successfully Navigate Inflation

As originally published in Brushware Magazine on Sept/ Oct 2022. Inflation continues to plague the world with escalating prices across a spectrum of products and services. The price of oil and gas has continued to rise and supply chain challenges persist, creating inflationary pressures across the board. Even though [...]

Short term vs the long term: Navigating Turbulent Times

As businesses struggle in this new era of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity), the divide between short term and long term seems to increase.

Right-size Inventory to Thrive During Inflationary & Recessionary Times

Inflation, Recession, Both? We are in unique times with inflationary pressures continuing while recessionary trends are emerging as well. In either instance, it is vital to right-size inventory. It will not change anytime soon. With interest rates rising rapidly, it will curb demand while increasing the cost of capital. [...]

SAC: Consulting Society Announces Global Award Winners Outstanding Consultants Honored at 19th Annual Meeting this week

Lisa Anderson was quoted in a press release about global consulting awards.
2023-10-18T15:43:46-07:00October 12, 2022|Categories: Business & the Economy, In The News, Press Releases|Tags: , , |

The LMA Experience

LMA client, Armacell LLC, provides senior management, operations management, supply chain management (integrated business planning), and sales viewpoints on their experience in working with the LMA team and the results they achieved.

SAC: Successful Companies Look Beyond Year End to A Profitable 2023

Lisa Anderson was quoted in a press release about what to expect in 2023 and how our most successful clients are preparing to create a profitable 2023.

David Cox – General Manager of Operations, Armacell LLC

The LMA Experience: David Cox, General Manager of Operations, Armacell LLC discusses the experience of working with LMA Consulting Group.
2023-09-16T19:51:28-07:00September 12, 2022|Categories: Video Testimonials, Videos & Podcasts|Tags: , , , , |
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