
Customer Service

Are You Developing Close Relationships with Your Customers?

Are You Developing Close Relationships with Your Customers? During turbulent times, relationships move faster than at any other time. Will they move in a positive direction or a negative one? That is the only question. In fact, customers will be reevaluating what they buy and when they buy [...]

Future-Proofing Your Customers

In thinking about future-proofing your people, it makes sense to start with your customers. Have you thought about future-proofing your customers? The statistics are staggering. According to Outbound Engine, acquiring a new customer can cost five times more than retaining an existing customer. We wouldn't be surprised if the [...]

2024-02-16T18:06:15-08:00January 30, 2020|Categories: Customer Service|Tags: , , , |

WARNING…The Apathy Of Success by Guest Blogger, Steve Weimar

  Time after time we see good companies, or what we thought of as good companies, experience major issues in their business health with some unable to pull out of their death spiral. What caused this and how could this have been prevented? Apathy, or complacency, can be the [...]

2023-11-16T16:41:31-08:00October 19, 2019|Categories: Customer Service|Tags: |

Customer Care 1.01 & The SLURPY Method by Guest Blogger, Steve Weimar

When we think of why a customer buys from us and how to retain them we need to look at every aspect of our business, who adds value and who are the Contact Points or CP’s. We also need to adopt a simple company operating philosophy I call SLURPY.
2023-11-16T17:35:05-08:00October 1, 2019|Categories: Customer Service|Tags: |

Dana Point and the Customers’ 1st Experience with Your Product or Service

Your customers' first impression can be very important. It gives them a "feeling" about your product or service.

How Customer Service & Retention Directly Impact Profits & Performance

June 11, 2019 Since I've been speaking to CEOs about "Pricing & Profits", the true impact of customer service and retention is arising as a game changer. Can you create a situation where you make a "forever promise" to your customers? It certainly will directly impact your customers' perceptions [...]

It’s a Small World & the Customer Experience

No matter your position, try experiencing your company as a customer would.  Are you able to call whoever you might need to talk to without annoying phone system automation? 

Outstanding Customer Experience Can Be A Key Differentiator For Successful Businesses

CLAREMONT, Calif., August 1, 2018/ExpertClick/ -- Organizations that offer outstanding customer experience are often those that are more innovative, profitable, and higher performing, according to The Society for the Advancement of Consulting® (SAC). Innovative Cultures That Exceed Customer Needs Breed Success “It is worthwhile to invest in customer service [...]

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