

What We Can Learn from Jack Welch

Successful companies put people ahead of strategy, process, and systems. While attending APICS 2015, I heard Jack Welch, former GE CEO and best-selling business author, speak about the value of people. My ears perked up as I have found that the best processes and systems will fail miserably without [...]

The SIOP Conveyor Belt Analogy

The ongoing planning and adjustments integral to the SIOP is like a conveyor belt carrying along current data and processes until they become history. SIOP (Sales, inventory, & operations planning) is a methodology of sorts that aligns demand with supply – and, more importantly, the various functions of the [...]

Labor Day Parades & the Value of Tradition

September 7, 2015 It is Labor Day, and I am reminded of when I was young and growing up in Schaumburg, IL. Labor Day was really exciting because there was a great parade that went right by my house on its parade route. We'd wake up early to make [...]

Why Care About Systems Transactions?

Systems transactions are often treated as an afterthought but are critical to building a stable foundation for your business. As mundane as system transactions seem, I continually find that whether or not they are deemed a priority can make the difference between a successful operation or not. The bottom [...]

Do Your Executives Have Vision?

Develop your business vision with an eagle eye to see further out into the future creating clarity and purpose for your company. In thinking about an eagle's eye (in concert with my Eagle Eye service line), it comes to mind that vision is a key contributor to success. An [...]

The People Element

Locate your best employees, particularly in leadership positions, and invest in them for continued success. I find that the best process will fail with the wrong people. The best system will not drive results if the wrong people are involved. Yet if exceptional people are involved, even the most [...]

What Is Company Culture?

Many executives can tell you precisely the company culture they want to have. However, creating that culture becomes increasingly difficult without communications, change agents and action. I wholeheartedly agree with my consulting mentor Alan Weiss with how he defines culture – “It is that set of beliefs that governs [...]

Grand Ole Opry & Why Tradition Still Matters

I attended the Grand Ole Opry last night.....what an amazing Country Music tradition! I love that the Grand Ole Opry is actually a radio show. Now, in addition to having the radio station featured on the stage, it also includes #Opry. Times evolve but radio still rules in Nashville! [...]

Do You Have Enough Female Leaders?

I attended the compelling Renaissance Executive Forums All Member meeting last week in the Inland Empire, and it got me thinking about female leaders. One of the keynote speakers discussed this topic. Who would think it would take me attending an event to think about an obviously appropriate topic? [...]

Innovation Tips from the APICS-IE Executive Panel & Networking Symposium

My APICS (#1 trade association for supply chain and operations management) chapter hosted an executive panel & networking symposium which was focused on the topic of innovation. Innovation is a critical topic! Problem solving and maintaining the status quo is no longer enough as customers expect more, regulations increase [...]

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