
customer service

What Do Sears and Amazon Have in Common?

Sears was the former Amazon just about 100 years ago, growing 50-fold within a decade with its world-famous catalog and then transforming from a mailing company to a brick-and-mortar giant. 

What is Walmart Doing?

It is always a good idea to stay up-to-speed with what the leaders are doing in the industry. Who do you follow?

Press Release: Supply Chain Expert Lisa Anderson Shares Big Picture Perspectives for Profit Opportunities

Lisa Anderson's new book offers unique perspectives on turning everyday business interactions into profitable opportunities for innovation.

Collaboration & Judgment Can Achieve Wonders

Supply chain success can be achieved through effective collaboration and strategic judgment. These insights lead to transformative results.

The Impact of Supply Chain Strategy

Effective supply chain strategic planning secures a competitive edge, ensuring efficiency, adaptability, and market leadership.

Gain a Strategic Focus on Quality IF Customers are Important

People and companies have more choices than ever before. If you wish to remain in the race, quality must be more than an assumption; it must become a strategic focus.

Is Digitization Hype?

March 7, 2017 Well, let's start with a definition of digitization.  According to CIO.com, McKinsey defines it as technologies that virtualize and automate products, services and supply chains. We certainly hear about digitization in the news frequently; however, according to McKinsey, even though CIOs embrace it, digitization is a [...]

Are You Ready for a Surprise Inspection of Your Service?

A commitment to stellar customer service is an ongoing process in which resources need to be dedicated to continuous improvement and exceeding customer expectations. In almost every client, trade association and trusted advisor meeting I attend, service emerges as a hot topic. In today's Amazon-impacted world, our expectations are [...]

2023-09-04T00:10:22-07:00March 7, 2017|Categories: Customer Service, Supply Chain Management|Tags: |
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